"I guess when nobody trusts you, it's easy to be sent on missions in hope you'd die." Silver says with honesty and I look at him seriously knowing that this isn't fair. He's done a lot for The League of Shadows and for us. I hear Slade slam down on the floor as Nyssa has finally taken him down and I turn around to look at him.

"Lets take a break." Nyssa says exhausted walking out, and Slade gets back up walking towards me. Slade gets close and I sense the tension between Silver Siren and him as they've never clearly gotten along. It gets quiet and I feel the awkwardness.

"You almost had her there." I say to Slade and Slade chuckles as he sweats intensively.

"Yeah, we've been going at it for months now and I feel like we're going nowhere. I don't know what it is." Slade says and as Slade talks I sense Silver Siren get tense and annoyed with Slade's presence near him. I try to stay calm to balance the tension but it gets worse.

"Maybe cause you're not." Silver says through some bottled anger. Looks like that runs in the other Earth too. "We've been here for months, and have absolutely no progress on your training to become some stupid dragon. For all we know this could be a distraction."

"Look who's talking..." Slade says surprised going in for the attack as they're both harsh and ruthless. I wouldn't want to see them go at it with knives. "Aren't you the one who brought them to Star City?" Slade begins to blame Silver Siren and he's wrong, Silver didn't bring them in to Star City. Silver was in Star City already when they were there, which is how he took on the job.

"You must have me confused with the man that raised a monster. I guess the apple didn't fall so far from the tree." Silver says attacking family and it gets serious, and intense.

"Nobody knows who the hell you are, how do we know you're not the one spying on us for my son?" Slade scolds Silver and Silver scoffs as he finds his argument irrelevant, and it is.

"How do we know you're not going to kill us all when the mirakuru rage hits again?" Silver begins to get personal, as if he's dug up this information to attack him on it.

"Okay stop." I say wanting to break up the argument before it gets bloody.

"No." Slade says angrily and I become nervous. "I see you for who you really are. You're just a wolf in sheep's clothing." Slade says getting deep and I can tell that automatically pisses Silver off. Silver clenches his jaw and makes a fist, and throws a quick punch to Slade's throat. Silver kicks Slade down and I try to stop him and Silver throws me off him.

I stand by and watch as this is the only way for those two to sort things out together. They have bottled anger and the only way to let it out, is by fist fighting. I know these two very well, and they're too much alike for my liking.

"Я собираюсь убить тебя, ты, одноглазый пес / I'm going to kill you, you one eyed dog." Silver says in fluent Russian as he's reverting to his native tongue through anger. Slade slowly gets up and Silver walks towards him as there's more from Silver. Slade goes in for a punch and Silver grabs on to Slade's wrist, planting himself on the ground and throwing his kick on to Slade's ribcage. I know this technique as it's Russian sambo and I wouldn't have expected it from a former KGB agent.

Slade groans loudly and Silver stands away checking Slade as he's going to go in for more. Slade is distracted by his pain and anger, and he's not focusing. "Is that all you got you Soviet scum?" Slade continues to mock Silver and Silver is in full piss mode. Slade picks up a bo staff and Silver scoffs with a small smirk.

"Невежественный американец. / Ignorant American." Silver says and Slade quickly runs towards Silver. Slade begins to attack Silver with the staff but Silver dodges it. Silver counters one of Slade's attacks using krav maga techniques, as he grabs on to the staff pushing it towards Slade's face as it hits him. Silver then pulls the staff away from Slade and they break it in half. Silver manages to disarm one of the sides from Slade and Silver backs away quickly knowing what to do. As Slade dashes towards Silver going to swing down the broken half staff, Silver tackles on to Slade and begins to knee Slade in the rib. Slade goes in for another punch, but Silver catches his wrist again, as his other hand grabs on to Slade's shoulder. Silver sweeps his leg under Slade slamming Slade down to the ground one more time as Silver secures Slade's fall with Silver's knee over his chest. Silver begins to throw violent punches at Slade's face as Slade has given up and I begin to know that this is over.

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