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Drake Lance

I walk into an apartment building and walk up the stairs up to the 4th floor. I use Felicity's program to track Silver Siren as it tracks his every move and because he isn't from this Earth, his frequency is different than us. I walk through the hallways of the 4th floor looking for Silver Siren's apartment door, and see an environment that would make anyone uncomfortable. People hang out outside of their doors making out, young kids running down the halls with nerf bow and arrows pretending to be heroes. I hear a young little girl scream as they play in the hallway and turn my attention towards her as she imitates me.

"I'm The Black Canary!" She shouts as she wears a black faux leather jacket and blue shirt underneath. She has the look, I'll give her that. She pretends to fight the other kids in the hallways as they choose to be Superman, Batman and Green Arrow. "AAHHHH" She shouts at the kids pretending to have my canary cry, and the kids pretend to fall to the ground. I chuckle a little at the sight of her as it's cute. It's inspiring, that little kids believe in me.

Watching the kids play pretend reminds me of what my child will be like soon. I hope he or she is creative and imaginative like them. I stop getting distracted and come back to the mission as I continue walking through the hallways. I finally find Silver Siren's door and before I knock on it, the door is slightly opened. I push the door open lightly sneaking myself in and see that the apartment is nicely well kept with antique furniture, big windows covered in dirt, and a lot of jewels.

"Make yourself at home!" I hear my own voice from another room and he knows I'm here. I look towards where the voice came from, and watch Silver walk out of his room with a black suit case wearing all black. I look at him confused as we're not putting knives against our throats or screaming at each other. "Look, can we skip the whole screaming thing? I really don't want to wreck this apartment." He says wanting a truce and I find it hard to trust him, but he has information that I need.

"Where do you think you're going?" I ask him as I walk closer to him feeling comfortable enough that he won't stab me.

"I'm skipping town. There's nothing here for me." He says throwing things into his bag still. "Did you miss me?" He stops and looks at me with a smile, brushing his blonde hair out of his face and putting it behind his ear.

"I miss you like I miss a parasite." I say to him seriously and he fakes a blush, smiling bigger.

"Awh. How sweet." He says passionately and then grabs on to the jewels on a counter and packs those too. "Why are you here?" Silver stops packing and then looks at me wanting an answer right away.

"I'm hoping I can convince you from leaving." I say and he scoffs continuing to pack his suit case as he's lost interest already.

"How would you be doing that?" Silver asks wanting to hear me out so I can waste my time, but also give him some noise while he packs. I don't know Silver well, but I know we're nothing alike. But damn, are we both very stubborn.

"I can give you what you want." I tell him right away and he chuckles.

"What I want doesn't exist." He says as he's been lied to, played like a fool. Andrew lead him on, and completely threw him off.

"Then why did you take on the job with Joe Wilson and Palmer?" I ask to contradict him and he clenches his jaw getting irritated.

"Because I want to go home. Back to Earth-2." He says and he sounds human, empathetic. "I'd do anything to go home, back to my reality." He begins to get upset and then it fades away as he masks it with a serious face. "But I'm stuck here, with your stupid identity. I can't go anywhere without being recognized as you and that's something I'll have to live with forever now." I chuckle at him as his life sounds hard.

"Andrew might've told you the truth about the actual technology not existing from Mercury Labs,-" I say and I pause as I might be making a mistake trusting the same person who has taken my identity before and did an entire murder spree with my husband. I'm taking a very heavy risk by trying to trust him.

"I'm sensing a 'but' moment." He pauses starring at me, as he believes me out of all people.

"-But I know a friend in Central City who can take you there." I say wanting to help him anyways. Cisco might not be down for the idea, but he'll do anything I say. If Silver goes back to Earth-2, he's just one less problem for me to worry about.

"And why would you do that for me?" He asks confused. "After everything I've done to you?"

"I'm sure you already know how to find Joe Wilson, but I need you to show me and my team tonight." I tell him the catch and he gets nervous. He looks at me and then looks away thinking about the opportunity. Oliver is willing to put on his hood tonight, and for tonight only to stop Joe Wilson once and for all before he goes any further with whatever plan he has.

"The abandoned Star City city metro. I'll be there." Silver says softly and I nod trusting him that he'll keep his word and not fool us. I stare at him as his green eyes shine in the light and I notice what makes us physically different. I turn around as I'm done here and walk out of Silver's apartment and head back home to prepare myself.

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