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3rd Person

Andrew Palmer walks into his penthouse fired up, aggravated by the news he's heard. Dante follows from behind as Andrew shouts and complains about Queen's Industry stock not dropping due to the robbery. Instead the value for the stock rose as business people believe that he will regain the tech back, alongside with the truth of Felicity Smoak's brain. Oliver Queen still has a lot to prove himself.

"Where's Deathstroke!" Andrew shouts at Dante and Dante begins to get overwhelmed by the shouting of Andrew.

"I-I don't know. I told him it was urgent." Dante stutters and Andrew scoffs.

"Where is that man!" Andrew shouts again, continuing to complain.

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear." Joe Wilson says as he's in a mercenary uniform instead of the Deathstroke suit. Andrew and Dante both turn towards Joe as Joe walks towards them from the back of the room.

"What... the hell... is going on?" Andrew says cocky and aggressive, being dominant over the situation. Andrew is paying his good hard earned money to bring Oliver Queen down and take over the Q-Core project to make himself rich.

"Your plan is proceeding as expected." Joe says calmly as Andrew walks towards Slade taking loud steps.

"Really? Do I look like I'm running Queen Industry right now?" Andrew mocks Slade until they get close enough for a conversation, face to face. Dante follows from behind shortly, keeping his distance. "Your hit on Queen's tech didn't work pal! Now I have a higher competition than I should! So tell me how I'm supposed to buy out Queen Industry!"

"Leave us." Joe commands Dante and Dante takes the command and turns toward the door.

"Nope! Stay here! I'm in charge." Andrew corrects Dante and Joe. Joe looks at Andrew confused, tilting his head not believing what came out of Andrew's mouth. Joe lays his hand on Andrew's shoulder standing taller than him, making himself dominant.

"Do you feel in charge?" Joe asks and Andrew gets nervous realizing his mistake. Dante walks out of the room following his true boss' command, betraying Andrew.

"I paid you." Andrew says quietly and Joe makes a small gentle smile.

"And you believe that this gives you more power over me?" Joe asks making himself unpredictable with his next actions. His smile covers everything he's about to do to Andrew, and it makes him uncomfortable. "Your money and infrastructure have been important..." Joe grabs the back of Andrew's head gently. "... Till now."

"What are you?" Andrew asks frightened and Joe licks his lips forgetting his smile and getting serious.

"I'm Star City's Reckoning." Joe says and Andrew begins to shake nervously.

"You're evil." Andrew realizes his biggest mistake was letting a mercenary into his city to do his dirty work. He finally realizes that he's been used as a disguise for Joe to get around the city. Now that Joe has gotten what he's needed, he doesn't need Andrew in the picture no more.

"No, I'm necessary evil." Joe says and grabs on to Andrew's face and twists his neck.

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