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Drake Lance

I watch a hooded figure with an orange and black pattern go into an apartment building as it pours down rain in the city. I stand in an alleyway as I've tracked down who I need to see. The alleyway is lit by neon signs for little ramen and sushi restaurants that are hidden inside the buildings.

I hear gunshots, glass breaking, along with loud shouting and screams. I then see two figures jump out of the window of the apartment building and they land in the alleyway floor in front of me as I hide under a black umbrella watching it all.

I watch the yakuza leader who many people have been trying to track down these last couple of years and yet, this hood has managed to find him. "Why are you doing this? We never did anything to you?" The yakuza leader says in Japanese, as he stands himself up taking out his katana to wield and battle.

"I'm cleansing this world from filth and corruption." I hear the hooded figure speak in fluent Japanese and I understand it just fine. The Yakuza leader then goes in for his attack as the hood figure protects himself with his sword and battles against the Yakuza leader cutting him into shreds.

"You're done hurting people." The hood says again as they stand off again.

"We hurt people? You're crazy." The leader scoffs as he shows off the chaos that the hood has done, showing the dead bodies of yakuza men on the alley floor piled up. Blood has been shed and it goes into a river with the rain down the drain.

They battle again, and the yakuza leader moves faster than the hood but the hood catches up. The yakuza misses all his strikes, as the hood counters it all, attacking back. The hood then manages to slice the leader's throat and the leader stops, choking.

The leader falls to his knees choking on his own blood wanting The Hood to help him but The hood shows no mercy. He quickly impales the leader with his sword and whips it out quickly ending the leader's life fast. The hood wipes his sword clean with his uniform and puts it back in the sheath.

The hood takes his hood off as the rain touches his black hair, soaking him quickly. "You shouldn't be here." I hear the familiar Australian accent and voice warning me to leave. I know for a fact he won't hurt me.

"Neither should you

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"Neither should you." I speak up as I've just seen Slade commit numerous crimes. He's put on his vigilante pants now, and it's not working out. Slade turns his head towards me and I see him stare directly at me in confusion.

"I've got a job to do." He says arrogantly, not surprised to see me.

"Is that what you call this?" I say with an angry tone as this isn't what he should be doing. "Killing people isn't justice Slade, it just makes you one of them." I tell him as I would know out of all people.

Slade ignores me and stands in the rain still as I walk towards him wanting to comfort him. It has been a long year, and a lot has happened for Slade. He's gone to his old ways of killing, but this time for the meaning of justice.

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