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Drake Lance

I wake up in a hospital bed, hearing the beeping noises of the machine connected to me. I feel an oxygen tube connected to my nose and I try pull it off as I find it uncomforting. I hear voices everywhere as if the entire place is crowded and I begin to open my eyes slowly as they're sore from the bright light in the room. I don't remember how I got here.

"Your son's ratings are off the chart." I hear a female voice and I turn my head slowly towards her as it's sore as well. I begin to hear echoes of multiple voices and everything hits hard, like a migraine almost.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I hear mom's voice as I still can't focus to open my eyes fully.

"Is he gonna be okay?" I hear Dad's voice as well worried for me.

"It means we need a better machine." The female voice responds and I squint my eyes to make out who she is and see she is a doctor. As I look at her, she begins to split, and I begin to hear her voice echo, but she isn't talking. "What the hell is happening?" I hear her voice softly but her lips do not move whatsoever.

"Doctor! You have another patient, Barry Allen and his family waiting next door!" I hear a nurse rush in with a panicked voice . "I'll be back." I hear her say and I watch the doctor leave the room. I groan lightly as I continue to hear voices echo in my head, and I get overwhelmed not knowing what is happening to me.

"It's too god damn loud in here!" I shout and as I do I feel something different with my throat. I hear something crack next to me and I open my eyes fully seeing it is a glass of water with a crack on the side. What the hell is happening to me.

"Dad! He's awake." I hear Laurel's voice and I turn towards the three of them to see Laurel, Dad and Mom sitting on chairs against the wall. I look around me, to see I'm sharing the room with other people with their families. Laurel gets up from the chair and quickly walks towards me and grabbing on to my hand and I hold her hand tightly.

"What happened to me?" I ask lightly as the voices begin to disappear and the room quiets down. I try to remember what happened to me, and all I can remember is standing outside with Sensei and seeing something explode. I remember some sort of energy or radiation fly towards me. I remember screaming.

"STAR Labs' particle accelerator blew up." Laurel says as her voice breaks and tears in her eyes. She smiles at me with a relieved sigh. Dad and Mom walk up behind her and accompany her as she continues to hold my hand. "It put out a lot of people, a lot of them are in comas." Laurel says and I look over the TV to see the news playing. It shows footage of the particle accelerator exploding and people being pushed into ambulances, and rushed to hospitals.

"How are you feeling?" Dad asks and when he does I feel something surge through me. I don't feel pain, I feel like I took a good sleep.

"Better." I say with a smile and stare at the cracked glass still confused by it. Was it always like that? "Where's sensei? Is he okay?" I ask worrying about him to mom as she probably found me. Mom hesitates and begins to get nervous.

"Sensei is gone. I'm sorry Drake." Mom says and I begin to get confused as this doesn't make sense. I close my eyes getting sad and feeling angry. I begin to cry and try to remember how it could've happened. "They found him with his skull shattered." Mom says and as soon as she does I remember the scream. I remember screaming at him to warn him of the radiation. It wasn't just a normal scream.

"Sorry about that. My patient next door is in a coma, which makes you one of the lucky ones that can get up and get on out of here." I hear the Doctor's voice as I continue to cry and Laurel comforts me still by holding on to my hand. "Here are the discharge papers, just sign them and you can leave whenever." The Doctor says handing my Dad the papers and I let go of Laurel's hands trying to let the thought of me killing Sensei settle in. I didn't kill him, I couldn't have.

"You're not going to run any tests or anything?" Laurel asks confused and I begin to bottle the idea of killing Sensei, as I can't tell anyone. I know what I've done, but that's not who I am. Why did I do that?

"Why should we? Your son is in perfect health, more perfect than anyone I've ever seen in my career." The Doctor says seriously and walks away leaving me, and attending to the other patients who are injured. The nurse comes to me and Laurel backs away, as the nurse quickly takes off all the hospital equipment off me.

Mom hands me my clothes and I change from the hospital gown into my blue jeans, boots, and black long sleeve shirt. Black clothes would've been fine. We walk out of the room and as I walk around the hospital hall, I stare into the room besides me to see a man plugged into a bunch of machines with his family watching him, as they cry on each other's shoulders.

"C'mon. Let's get some food. Just me and you." Laurel says coming in from behind me and locks her arm around me. We walk together and I smile at her as she smiles back at me.

"I'd like that

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"I'd like that." I respond to her. "Thanks for coming. I know how hard it is to drive all the way here from home." I tell her and she chuckles as she begins to shake her head.

"I'm never too far away. I love you." Laurel says and kisses my head as we walk into an elevator together. Dad and Mom follow from behind as they continue to walk in the hallway, as I hear them talk about me in whispers.

"Something isn't right about him. He should be dead." I hear mom's voice echo like it did for the Doctor and I ignore it as it must be my head playing with me. The elevator doors close and I stare at mom as she looks at me scared and worried.

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