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Drake Lance

When I walk off of the train I walk with the crowd hiding myself and carry the bag with Oliver's costume tightly. As I walk with the crowd I sneak myself into the men's bathroom and look for the nearest sink. I turn the faucet on and wash my hand and throw water to my face and then look at myself in the mirror but not recognizing myself.

I look at my new platinum blonde hair, color contact green eyes, and even to contouring my face with contour powder to change my appearance. I'm not Drake Lance anymore. I take out my wallet for my identity and pull out the Driver's License and see the name. Dima Ivanov.

I need to head to the bunker, if it's still safe there. I continue to stare at myself in the mirror and see other men walk behind me or stand next to me to wash their hands. They haven't noticed that I'm Drake Lance. Good.

I open my bag and take out a hat and put it on to hide myself from the cameras. I fix myself up by adjusting the beige sweater and these uncomfortable blue jeans. I would never wear this kind of thing, it's almost feminine on me. I stop starring myself at the mirror and walk out of the bathroom and head out of the station.

As I walk out I see that it's dark outside. I take my phone out and see the time being 10 pm. The city is crowded with civilians walking around minding their own business and it's good since they won't notice me. I walk around the city making my way to the bunker hiding my face from all the cameras.

"BREAKING NEWS, NEW FOOTAGE SHOWS BLACK CANARY TAKING DOWN FOUR JUSTICE LEAGUE MEMBERS INCLUDING WONDER WOMAN. THERE IS SUSPICION THAT BLACK CANARY ATTACKED THE HALL OF JUSTICE." I hear the news outlet and give my attention to the sound and see a TV store playing the news channel from across the street. I stare at the TV screen and see the footage of myself screaming at Fire and then taking Hawkman down violently.

They left me no choice. They didn't give me time to explain.

I walk away from the news channel and ignore it. I'll figure this out, I know I can. Slade can help as well.


The elevator door opens and I walk into the bunker and see Felicity and Diggle jump up walking towards me in relief. I take my hat off and walk towards them dropping my bag on a silver table and take out Oliver's costume.

"What happened!?" Felicity says worried and angry at me. I stop walking feeling threatened by them both and Diggle walks up but I see no sign of weapons on him. "Why's your hair blonde now?"

"The Ghost Archer." I say starring at them both and they raise their eyebrow. "It's a long story. He's some sort of underworld archer. My canary cry isn't effective on him, and I think he might've set me up."

"On the Hall of Justice?" Diggle says raising an eyebrow and they both know I was here this morning talking to Slade which they don't know about, from my perspective.

"When I got Ollie's suit, a planted explosive exploded when I escaped. Helena walked out with the same arrow that killed Will's mother, shot at Slade, and almost killed me last night." I say and they're connected.

"Where's Slade now? Maybe he knows something." Felicity asks me and I bite my lip as she's going to yell at me.

"About that..." I say softly and walk out of the conversation to go see him. "He's here, with us." I tell them as I walk towards the medical room and they both follow me.

"He's here?! Like in the bunker?" Felicity says being paranoid about my action and being scared to trust me.

"I think you hit all the points." I say and I open the door and walk in to see Slade watching the news coverage about me. I walk towards the TV and turn it off being annoyed by it. "That's enough of that." I stare at Slade and he gets up from his bed in his full clothing.

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