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Downtown Star City
Drake Lance

I walk into my backstage room for today's event for the local morning show and see everyone from Team Arrow sitting down. They wear merch with my band logo on it and I get embarrassed and laugh at each one of them. My band members follow me from behind and I introduce them to the Team Arrow family.

"I'm so proud of you!" Felicity says hugging me tightly and I hug her too and see the boys of Team Arrow stand behind with their hands in their pockets. She lets go and begins to pat my black blazer off and I turn to the mirror checking out the outfit that was given to me to wear by Dior. I wear a black blazer, with nothing under leaving my chest bare and open, along with black pants and black combat boots.

Will walks up to me and stands next to me in the mirror and I quickly take a photo of us together. I don't post it due to wanting to keep Will on the low especially with my connection with Black Canary on the media, Green Arrow's son will only fire it up more. I continue to take pictures of us and play with my blonde hair with my hands. The entire team then photo bombs the photo and I smile knowing this is a photo I'm going to keep forever.

I decided to keep my hair blonde as the new look suits me now. I am a new person, I'm done with the darkness, and in with the light. I hear a knock on my backstage door and Diggle opens it up and I spot my father.

"Dad." I say happy he showed up and quickly walk over to him and we hug each other. This is the first time seeing him since I abandoned the city. Not again, not ever. "I'm glad you made it." I say and then see everyone smile knowing this is the reunion they've been waiting for.

"I wouldn't miss it for anything." He says proudly and hugs everyone else reuniting with them also. One of the production workers walk into the room and calls for me and the band and I nod telling him I'll be there in 5.

"Good luck out there." Everyone tells me and the band and I head out into the stage. My band members begin to set themselves up in their assigned positions and instruments on the stage. The stage has sick props of giant cages and a city skyline prop of Gotham in the background. I walk up to the microphone stand and pull the mic out and hold it in my hand as this is going to get crazy. I look into the outskirts of the stage to find a full and packed crowd screaming as I walk in.

"How are we today Star City?" I speak into the mic and the crowd screams. I then turn around checking up on my band and they nod signaling that they are ready for the song we are about to play. I turn back to my crowd and chuckle. "How do you guys like the new hair?" I say hinting at the song we're going to play.

My band members begin to play the electric guitar and I begin to sing my song.

Black Canary (originally by Jesse) - Born To Be Blonde

I was born to be blonde, I was raised by my mom
She was made for the job, she's a saint like Laurent
I was born to be blonde so I say what I want
I get paid when I want, I get laid when I want
I was born to be blonde, maybe all of us are
If you gave it a try you would feel like a star
I was born to be blonde and you were born to be too
You were born to be me, I was born to be you

I was born to be blonde, too shallow for you
I'm Axl Rose in '84 (yeah) or in a throne we can too (no)
Like Rodman on the court hanging with Kim Jong Un
Better warn you I'm blonde, you never know what I'll do
Always havin' more fun, (yeah) it's sad but it's true
I'm Chanel winter fall, you're Michael Kors at the mall
I'm Madonna with Pac, (yeah) like we dance and that shit fucked (fucked)
I was born to be blonde, (hey) I'm a fucking icon (ah!)

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