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I follow Rene as me and William walk together side by side. I stuff my hands in my leather jacket pockets as it's cold and windy outside for this November time frame. Christmas is coming up soon.

William stops walking as I continue to walk and pass him by a little. I quickly stop and turn around starring at him as he gets down tying his shoes. I stop for him and he looks at me struggling as his shoe laces get caught around his fingers. He doesn't know how to tie his shoes.

"Let me help." I walk towards the kid and get down on my knees and grab his shoe laces and tie them tight with a double knot. I then pat his shoe and smile. "You're all set."

"Thanks Drake." Will says with a proud smile and he looks so innocent and so full of joy. I can't remember a time like that. When everything was alright. I stand back up and hand him my hand and Will takes it. We both walk together catching up to Rene as he's ahead of us.

"C'mon." I say as Will slows me down with his shorter feet not being able to catch up to my walking pace. Rene continues walking fast and then stops noticing we are not behind him anymore. Rene turns around looking at the both of us and waits in front of a store.

"You guys walk slow." Rene says trying to tease and mock me to be more friendlier but I ignore him. Rene opens the door to a restaurant and I walk in seeing waitresses walking around carrying burgers in their hands. I read their shirts seeing Big Belly on them and I haven't had a sandwich from here since, Ollie.

The memory of Ollie creates a small lump in my stomach but I choose to ignore it and try to live my life. Rene walks around from behind and puts his arm around my waist and pushes me to sit down. I get confused and uncomfortable by his grip on me and if I wasn't in public, I would snap his arm.

Rene makes me and William sit in a booth and Will sits across from me choosing to sit next to Rene. I make myself comfortable taking my leather jacket off and setting it aside from me. I let my dark grey turtle neck and black skinny jeans be the only fashion statement I make before anyone notices my identity.

A waitress quickly comes to us dropping off our menus in front of us and she smiles down at me specifically trying to make my face. Don't let me be exposed. "You guys want anything to drink?" The waitress asks me and I shake my head softly not interested and wanting the waitress to leave as soon as she can.

"I'll take a fruit punch!" Will yells and I smile at him lightly as he is adorable. I notice his behavior is different than other kids, he's a happy child, especially for someone that lost his only family member. Other kids would be dark and brooding, going through trauma, anything to make that loss go away. Like Bruce.

"I'll do the same as him." Rene smiles at the waitress as I become very sheltered not looking directly at her and the waitress smiles brightly with a small chuckle.

"Thanks! I'll be back with the drinks shortly." The waitress says and then walks away with her notepad to the counter shaking a little. She knows I'm Drake Lance.

"What's wrong?" Rene asks he pulls in forward to me to talk and I continue to stare at the menu but look up a little at him meanly.

"I'm trying to not get recognized." I say stubbornly and close the menu already decided with a burger I'll eat. I then look over at the counter as Rene does too and we spot the waiters talking and jumping like little kids getting their phones out. "And clearly I failed."

"And I thought you were some sort of expert at the whole spy stuff, trying to not get compromised." Rene says teasing me and I look over at him wondering how he found out about my work with ARGUS and The League.

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