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To Lee Jihoon,

Why is July such an unbearably hot month? Like? Mother Nature needs to to take a literal chill pill because I cannot stand that makes me feel like I'm sitting inside a boiling pot of water.

Not to mention Minho's friend stopped by and broke the aircon in the shoppe somehow...

Still wondering how he did that honestly.

Luckily there is one good thing about super hot days, there was a steady stream of customers at the shoppe. Minghao brought Jun and the others in and you, Hyeri, and Wonwoo came in too.

I'd like to believe the type of boba you order defines your personality. Hyeri ordered a mango tea with lime flavored boba and I think that's pretty accurate to her personality. No one who orders mango tea with lime boba is trustworthy. No one.

Day 112 - 5 July 2012

PS: your drink matched your hair color which was adorable but I honestly couldn't tell if my heart was melting because of that or because of that damn broken aircon...

To Lee Jihoon | SoonHoonWhere stories live. Discover now