Chapter 58: Break Up

Start from the beginning

Jen: Does this have something to do with why Ash is so pissed?

Peyton: Yeah...

Jen: Did you two get into a fight?

Peyton: Yeah...

Jen: Okay, you can come over Ash isn't here but Colby is if that's okay.

Peyton: Yeah that's fine. I'm on my way. It won't take me long.

Jen: Okay see ya.

Peyton: See ya.

You put your phone down and Colby looked disappointed.

Colby: Peyton's coming over? I wanna be with you. Alone.

He whined while complaining.

Jen: Yeah, her and Ash got into a fight and she's pretty upset.

Colby: They never fight.

Colby said with a look of concern on his face.

Jen: Everyone fights once in awhile.

Colby: I wish no one ever did. The world would be a much happier place.

Jen: True.

Colby put his head on your shoulder.

Colby: Can we stay like this?

You were still on his lap and he liked it.

Jen: No I have to change.

Colby: Why?

He whined once more.

Jen: Because I have to cover up the marks you left.

Colby: But everyone needs to know you belong to me.

Jen: They already do. Now let me up so I can change.

He arms were tightly wrapped around your waist, preventing you from getting up. He whined and groaned in response.

Jen: Please Colby. My legs hurt.

Colby: They'll hurt later too.

You smacked him on the back of his head.

Jen: Bad Colby.

You laughed.

Colby: Pizza is my second favorite thing to eat in bed. You're the first.

You gasped at him.

Jen: Colby!

Colby: Would you rather me lie?

Jen: How about after Peyton leaves and if Ash still isn't back, we can do this again, if, and only if, you let me change?

He finally moved his head from your shoulder and made eye contact with you.

Colby: Fine.

He gave you a quick peck on the lips and let you get up. You felt Colby's eyes on you as you changed shirts. You heard a knock on the door just as you finished changing. You went to answer it and Colby followed you. You opened the door and Peyton collapsed in your arms into a hug while crying.

Jen: What happened?!

You said, while leading her to the couch to talk. Colby shut the door and sat down beside you on the couch and Peyton sat across from you two.

Peyton: I came in the check on him and he found a letter of acceptance from the college in New York, that I accepted... and lied about. He was so mad that I lied. He ran out of the house and I went to Karen's Cafe. I was talking to Haley and he gave me this.

She handed us a letter and on the back was the words "we're over".

Peyton: He wrote and actual letter but I can't bring myself to read it.

You read the letter aloud so she wouldn't have to read it by herself.

Jen:      Dear Peyton,

I can't believe you lied. It's not like you. Peyton, if you lied this time how many more times have you? You can say you haven't but how do I know for sure? I don't. So, I'm ending this. I'm ending four years of us. I'm ending everything. So, goodbye.

Sincerely, Ash.

He had originally written 'love' and crossed it out and put 'sincerely', but you didn't mention that.

Peyton: I wasn't going to leave him. A couple weeks ago I found a letter for him from the "International Culinary Center" In New York. They wanted him there. I made sure he had an opportunity too. I was going to tell him on Christmas as a special surprise.

Colby: He's just shocked that you're going. Plus he doesn't know about his opportunity yet. Just give him some time.

Jen: Yeah, I'm sure he'll come around.

Peyton: Thanks guys. Really. You helped a lot. I have to go. My sister, Danielle, wants me home for dinner.

Jen: Okay, have fun.

She left and you and Colby waved and she waved back. Colby turned back to you with a smirk.

Colby: She's gone and Ash isn't back. Time to hold up your end of the deal.

*Ash's POV*

After I left Karen's Cafe, I went to Jen's house and yelled and Jen and Colby. Before I left I grabbed a bottle of Bourbon from a cupboard above the fridge. I made my way out of he house, taking sips of the alcohol every now and then. I went to the place where I found out about the death of someone close to me. The dock. I went up and there was already someone at the end of the dock. I just walked down and sat beside of them, but left a huge gap in between us. I looked to see who it was and I was surprised by the identity who had willingly let me sit beside them. It was Nathan Scott.


"You always thought that I left myself open
But you didn't know I was already broken
I told myself that it wouldn't be so bad
But pulling away it took everything I had
You tried to lie and say I was everything
I remember when I said "I'm nothing without you"
I'm nothing without you"

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