The Pain's Attack 3 - Animal Path / 23

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Damn it. Asuma, dear. Where are you?

Kurenai pledged for her husband to arrive shortly. Currently she was dodging the animal's attacks of Animal's summons. The orange-haired Akatsuki summoned 3 large double-headed dogs that would constantly attack Kurenai. And she couldn't fight back as she had to take care of the baby in her arms. During the Path's attack she had no time giving Mirai to any villager that would bring Asuma' s and her child to safety. And she had no time fleeing as she was targeted by Animal the moment he appeared on the streets of Konoha.

Kurenai just hoped that Asuma would come by any second and safe her and Mirai. Currently he was all she could hope for.

But her eyes widened in shock when she saw herself cornered and surrounded by Animal's summons. And she had no way out of there.

Damn it. I can't die here. Not with her.

Animal appeared a good 10 feet away from here and grinned at her helpless situation.

"Well, this is how you die, woman. And your kid will serve our purpose perfectly."

Kurenai flinched and growled. Never would she let them take Mirai from her. She'll protect her with her life. 

"This'll be fun. ATTACK!"

Animal's summons rushed towards Kurenai but she simply jumped over them so they hit each other during their attack. Then she stomped the ground and kicked the summons so they'd take massive damage. Indeed some of the summons disappeared but the remaining ones backed away. Animal used her attack to gain some time and summon some more and bigger monsters which kept the attack on Kurenai going. This time Kurenai had to permanantly dodge as the new summons were more clever and faster than the first ones. Therefore, Kurenai had no room left for counterattacks and she had to get away from there. She backed away to some walls and ran up to get to a safer position.

"You won't get away so easily, woman. Summoning Jutsu: Winged Storm!"

Three black massive eagles appeared and rushed at Kurenai. And she knew that those birds were deadly. She managed to dogde the first two birds successfully but the third one was able to read her movements and therefore was just about to pierce her heart with its beak.

Suddenly, the bird stopped moving and Kurenai had time to watch the area. And then she saw it. 

Shikamaru used the walls around her in combination with his Shadow Grip Jutsu to keep the bird from moving. Soon she could feel the presence of the bird disappear as the shadows started to suffocate it and soon the bird vanished in a puff.

Kurenai jumped back to the ground and stood next to Shikamaru who then looked at Animal.

"Attacking helpless woman. And you want to rule the world?"

Animal just grinned at this boldness.

Kurenai leaned towards Shikamaru. "Shikamaru, where is Asuma?"

"With the others. I was faster so it was me coming for you."

Kurenai nodded. So Asuma was safe. She felt relieved.

Animal's grin disappeared. "Enough. Playtime is over. I'll take down both of you then. And the child."

With that he summoned two metal rods and charged forward. Shikamaru drew a kunai and charged at Animal as well. Soon sounds of metal clashing against each other could be heard as Shikamaru and Animal traded a lot of punches and attacks via their weapons. But Kurenai noticed that Shikamaru was on the defenisve. More over, he was moving all across the free area he had. And than she saw it. He placed certain markers all over the ground. He wanted to give Animal a fatal blow. 

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