The plan / 9

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"Alright, listen. We gotta prepare our operation properly. Like I said, I know where Sasuke's and Orochimaru's hideout is. And we gotta prepare this place. We cannot let fate take over and decide how the confrontation will run. We gotta put everything into our favor."

Ino nodded. "What do you suggest?"

Naruto glanced at her. "I want you to head to Tenchikyo and preserve the place. We need a back-up plan if anything goes wrong. You know what I mean."

Sai considered. "Are you sure we can trust that Itachi? I mean, can we be sure that what he told you is right?"

Naruto turned to Sai. He understood the doubts the young shinobi has. It was dangerous to just accept the information of a "criminal" but he somehow trusted Itachi when it comes to Sasuke. Itachi was always aiming for the safety of the young outlaw and this is the reason he trusted Itachi in this case. He knew that the message aimed to safe Sasuke and therefore he was willed to help Itachi. If it brought Naruto closer to his goal to complete his mission, he would do it.

"He is an Akatsuki member but in this case, when it is about Sasuke, we can trust him. At least I do."

Sai nodded quietly. Naruto didn't know if Sai was satisfied by his answer but he know that Sai, a loyal ANBU member, would not doubt his decisions.

Hinata lifted her head and looked directly at Naruto. "Where will you go, Naruto?"

"I will head over to Suna and ask for help. I'm sure that Gaara would be ready to aid us a bit. I don't doubt our abilities but when it comes to Orochimaru, we cannot be sure enough.... He killed the third Hokage and I don't want another casualty on this mission."

Ino smiled at her boyfriend. She was astonished how mature he got and how he really cared for his team mates.

Naruto nodded. "Alright. I guess, if there are no more questions, let's begin. I'll be going to Suna right now. I'll come back in 3 days so prepare everything and BE SAFE! Assure that you are alone before you begin preparing everything."

All of them nodded to confirm what he said. Sai and Hinata moved back towards the camp to prepare their departure while Ino headed towards Naruto and hugged him tightly.

"Take care of them for me, would you?", he asked kindly.

Ino nodded. "Be safe, sweetheart." They separated and kissed each other. It was a quick kiss but still very passionate.

Naruto loosened himself out of her hug and turned away with a smile. And this was their goodbye... at least for now...


Naruto moved around the forrest and he moved fast. Soon he would arrive in the desert and after some more time he reached the gates of Suna. It was already by noon and he slowly walked towards the gates. He was sighted by the Suna guards. 


Naruto stood still and wanted to explain those guards his reason to attend but he was interrupted by a deep and calm voice.

"It's alright. He can enter."

The guards turned around and bowed down. "Of course, Lord Kazekage."

The Kazekage nodded at Naruto and Naruto answered with a nod himself.


"So Naruto. What is the problem?"

Both Gaara and Naruto were in the Kazekage office. Gaara sat at his desk and Naruto was standing in front of him.

"I don't know of you heard of Konoha's plan but we are searching for an attacker. He presumably has some direct connections to Orochimaru and his ninja. As the squad leader I ask you for some help. I would not want to risk the life of any of my comrades."

Gaara considered what Naruto said. Naruto knew that even Gaara and his Suna-nin had some stories with the Sound ninja from Orochimaru. He rembered the moment when Gaara and his squad appeared to aid Naruto and his friends to fight off the Sound Four. 

"If it would benefit the cooperation of our both villages, and I believe it would, then I'm glad to help you."

Naruto could feel himself sigh in relief. He was grateful that Gaara would be willed to help him. He really could need the help of some of his best friends.

"Alright. Who do you consider sending with me? I would want to leave probably tomorrow or the day after."

Gaara hesitated another second. He was probably thinking about some ninja that would be capable of handling this important mission.

"I will consider this. It is an important matter and I don't want to be reckless here. I'll tell you this evening. You can rest here if you'd like to."

Naruto nodded and smiled. He bowed to Gaara and left his office. Just when he closed the door he turned around and was surprised by a certain blonde girl standing there in her classic black outfit. She was just half a head smaller than him but certainly was two years older than him. He looked at her in surprise and she began smiling.

"What is the great Naruto looking for in our beautiful village?"

Naruto blushed slightly. "H-hey Temari.."

Temari's smile turned into a huge grin. "No need to blush, loverboy."

"W-what are you talking about?"

She giggled. "You know what I mean. But seriously. Do you have any sort of business here?"

Naruto began to restore his composure. He couldn't help but admit that the way she looked was attracting him. She surely looked beautiful. Memories of their short meetings during the Chunin exams returned to his mind. But the only thing he could think about was the proximinity that Temari had to him.

"Eh...I can tell you. But would you please back off first?"

Temari giggled once again before she stepped back. "So?"

He regained his composure and was able to remove the blush out of his face. "I... wanted to ask Gaara about some help during one of my improtant missions. It's about Sasuke and Orochimaru..."

Temari nodded. "I see. Well, I'm gonna talk to Gaara right now. If you'd excuse me." She moved towards the door but stopped and turned around before opening it. "Of course.. it would be nice if you could wait for me. It won't take long and I'm sure you won't leave today sooo..."

Naruto couldn't help but nod without saying anything. There it was again... her smile. her gentle smile. With that she stepped into the Hokage's office and Naruto stood there all alone. He shaked his head at the scene that occured this very moment. I don't know but her smile is going to kill me...

Flowery Fox - a NaruIno Fanficiton - The plan...

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