Naruto vs Sasuke / 12

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All Naruto did was run. Run and dodge the fire balls of Sasuke. He suddenly felt anger rising could almost sense the chakra of the Kyuubi trying to take control but he calmed himself down and suppressed the chakra. Right now it wouldn't help to act recklessly and let him out. He had to confront Sasuke with his mind being fully clear. Just as Itachi, Sasuke is a dangerous opponent and Naruto would only get himself killed if he attacked Sasuke without a plan.

While dodging Naruto noticed that Sasuke was running circles as he recognized many the rooms they passed were the same. Sasuke was playing with him. He had to stop this mouse and cat game to take control of this situation.

Naruto summoned a clone and created a Rasengan which he blasted at the ceiling above Sasuke. The Rasengan ripped it entirely apart and created a lot of space for light to shine into the area. With this huge opening Sasuke left the hideout and jumped to the surface with Naruto following him. As they reached the surface both of them stood next to the giant hole and looked at each other. And both knew: this is it. The battle will know begin.

"Why have you come here, Naruto?" Don't you have a criminal to catch?"

Naruto flinched. The main part of this mission was of course the shinobi who attacked Anko and took her mark. But he expected to get some information out of Sasuke since the attacker could be an Uchiha. And then the mark came back to his mind. While looking at Sasuke Naruto noticed that his mark on his neck had been "modified" and was drawn all over his right arm. So his suspicion seemed to be right.

"The attacker needed Anko's mark. And now... now you have it."

Sasuke grinned evil. "What do you mean, dobe?"

"Don't okay stupid. The attacker has connections to the Uchiha. He gave you the mark so you would increase your own power."

"And even if so?"

Naruto growled. "Then I'll take you down and punch the info I need out of you."

Sasuke laughed. "You can try, idiot. But this'll be your death."

"I've dealt with worse than death."

The tension began to rise as the former mates were glaring at each other. Ready to rush at the other and attack him. Both of them were waiting for any sort of movement, even if it was only a muscle.

Sasuke drew his sword and Naruto drew his kunai. And with this both shinobi launched their first attack at each other.

As their metals clashed together a lot of slices were thrown at each other. Sasuke tried to cut Naruto with his sword and Naruto was parrying every single attack. The sound of metal clashing at metal was filling the entire environment and was next to the panting of the two shinobi the only thing that could be heard.

It was a battle at a high-level. Both were giving their full close combat power into this and were using much more energy dodging all the attacks the opponent threw at them. It was already a more intense battle than the one at the Valley of the End 3 years ago.

Naruto noticed that Sasuke was quick and that he couldn't break his defense by mere close combat. So he summoned 3 shadow clones and used them to increase not only frequency of his attacks but also intensity. The attacks were getting more and more powerful with time and Naruto tried to use completely new attacking patterns with every new attempt so Sasuke could not see through his strategy and would have had a hard time parrying each and single attack. And it worked. Sasuke began to pant heavily and was getting slower and slower by a little bit with every new attack. Naruto on the other hand noticed and increased his own attacking pace. By time Naruto would blast much more punches and kicks at Sasuke who had a hard time dodging all of them.

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