Chapter 28 - Second Book: Overcoming her fears (ALREADY OUT)

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So everyone , I've decided from the votes. To do the series, and end it here but I'm gonna give you a sneak peek before I'm done with the authors note. And in my last update I said, I need a co-editor. Through some very tough decisions, I've decided to choice. *Drum roll please*



















I'd just like to say too give a hand of applause to her, and the others who applied for the job. They did great with the interview questions! Give a hand of applause to these people: Gienalion, saradadxoxo, and kiran_h25!!

Thank you all who either voted or commented on my story! I'm extremely glad that I found this amazing app, because I got to publish this book and talk to you wonderful people. I'm literally crying right now because of how happy I am.

And to all of you, who didn't get the job. You're still a winner in my eyes, and you all will always be!

Wish us luck on the series!


"Ava what's wrong with her!" Devin yelled.

"I don't know, it just happened!" Ava yelled back.

"Calm down guys, tell us what happened." Amanda said calmly.

"See were just training, and then she fell to the ground for no reason. I tried to wake her up but she's just stayed like that, and every time you try and touch her she screams out." Ava explained. Devin reached out to touch her body, and when he made contact she let out a ear peircing scream. All of us covered our ears, to try and block out the awful sound. After two minutes and she stopped screaming, and her face calmed. In that exact moment me, Devin, and Amanda then knew what was causing this. It was.........

And that's were I'm gonna leaving it! Wanna find out more? Well wait for the next book to come out, and please share my book with other readers if you can! It's totally okay if you can't, I'm just askin. Anyways....



Thx for reading!

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