Chapter 20 - Taser Prank (FINALY OF PRANKS)

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Richard's Pov:

It's been a week since that Jem shifting again thing, and she showed everyone in the pack her secret. Everyone was willing to help their Luna, even Lilly! Which I still have no idea how she found out, because Jem says she didn't show her.

Now me and the guys are in Sam's room, planning a prank to pull on the girls. Yah that's right, were still pranking. We had to get them back for pulling the 'I'm leaving prank.'

"Sam get the camera." I said, he walked over to his desk and started recording me.

"Okay so the girl played a prank on us, and we're gonna get them back for it. Michael will explain the prank." I said, then Michael came on camera.

"Okay so, we're gonna play a prank on all the girls indevidually. We have three tazers for all three us, and we're gonna taze the girls but not enough to hurt them that much. And we already placed hidden cameras in their rooms, so we can watch their blowout when we run." Michael explained. Then Sam put down the camera.

"Okay guys, here's your tasers just in case if you see them. Now lets go set them up." Sam said.

>>Timeskip 10 minutes..........

Samantha's Pov:

Me and the girls had a great girls day, we went to Starbucks! The perfect thing to end a day. Then we raided the mall for different cloths, and Nicki got kicked out of one because she tried on one of the manakins cloths. She said she couldn't find it in the store so that was her last option.

"Did you really have to punch her Nicki?" Jem asked.

"The girl was asking for it, I didn't know her, so why was she touching me?" Nicki replied.

"I'll be right back gies, I just have to put this down." I said walking to my room. Once then I went into the closet to put up my new cloths, then


I jumped up, and turned around to see Michael with a taser. But before I could yell at him, he ran away. Damn him! I thought.

Nicki's Pov:

After Samantha left, me and Jem went upstairs to put up our new cloths. I found this great purse, Italian leathered. I walked into my cloths and was putting things up my stuff, when


I screamed out, and started hitting the person with my purse. They cried out in pain, and fell the the ground. Then I looked at their face and it was...


Jem's Pov:

I walked into my room, and put away my cloths. Then I sat on the bed and started watching tv, then suddenly


I screamed out, and tackled the person. My wolf was pissed that someone would do that, then I got a better look at their face and saw


"That's right babe." He said smirking.

"Why the fvck did you taze me?" I asked.

"Payback for your last prank."

"Okay fine I'm sorry, I promise not to prank anymore."

"Deal." I got off of him, then I started walking out the door. When he asked.

"Jem where are you going?"

"You pulled a prank on me, and probably the other girls. So you ain't gonna get some, so I'm sleeping in the guest room." I started walking off when I heard him say.

"I'll just come in while your sleep." He yelled.

"The door will be locked!!" I yelled back.

"I'll break down the door!"

"I'll nail it shut!"

And that is the end of the prank wars!! Now I can continue on with the story, and I'm exited about it because the next events will be very important. So beware, anyways......



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