Chapter 15 - Sleepover prank Prt. 2

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Jem's Pov:

When we got inside the room, I closed it immediately and locked it.

"I still feel like were forgetting something." I said putting down my stuff.

"Yah me too." Samantha said. Nicki snapped her fingers, and our attention was put on her.

"We forget to change!" She said.

"Chill out, we can just change here. We're all girls." I said. Then I started stripping, and I heard noices outside. I chuckled a little. Then I was finished, I had on a red t-shirt and black shorts. When all of us were changed, we sat on the bed.

"So Jem, how are you and the Richard doing?" Samantha asked.

"Not good, he's being so annoying. For my protection, he ordered me bodyguards. They are like shadows behind me, and I only need one. My own." I said.

"And not even get me started about Sam. He's always right behind me. When I'm in the bathroom, he's right outside the door. He's like a creepy stalker, that you can see." Nicki said.

"But your Luna and your beta female, you love them anyways. Don't you?" Samantha said.

"I'm cheating on him." Me and Nicki, said at the same time. That noice outside, got louder and sounded really close to the door.

"Your cheating on Richard?" Nicki asked me.

"Your cheating on Sam? Which guy was it?" I asked her.

"It was Johnathan." She said.

"That guy, at the club!" Samantha said raising her voice. Both of us shushed her, and she got quiet.

"Be more quiet Samantha, they might hear us." Nicki said.

"So which guy, did you cheat on Richard with Jem?" Samantha asked.

"His name was Ry-." But before I could finish, there was a knock on the window. I walked over and opened it, and Conner climbed over. Or aka Ryder.

"Guys this is Ryder, my boyfriend." Once I said that, the door was kicked down. And it revealed a very angry Sam and Richard, and Michael trying to hold them back. Then all hell broke loose.

Both of them takled Conner to the floor, and punched him in the face. All of us were trying to get them off, but they wouldn't budge.

"Richard and Sam, stop fighting!!" I said in the command voice. But they just kept attacking him, infact Richard looked as if he started to punch harder. I kept yelling at him, until he point where I couldn't take it anymore. I put my hands over my ears, and yelled at them.

"I said just stop!!" I yelled. Then everything was quiet, I looked up to see everyone frozen in place. I walked over to Richard, and waived my hand infront of his face. But he didn't move, he was just still. Really still. What the hell, did I just do?! I thought.

I just froze time! I kept yelling their names but they didn't move, at all from that spot. I moved my hands forward trying to unfreeze them, but nothing worked. Then my vision started getting blurry, and I blacked out.

(Inside her head)

The sun was shinning on my eyes, causing them to jerk open. I looked around to see that I wasn't inside the house, but inside I was in a grassy field. Then I saw a rocking chair, in the center of the field and someone was on it.

"Um excuse me? Do you know where I am?" I asked them, with a gentle tone. I didn't exactly want to startle them. As if reacting to my voice, the person slowly, yet very gracefully, stood up.

When they turned their head towards me, I saw that they had no real features. Nothing imperfect showed on them. They radiated only pure white and shining gold light on their skin. I felt strangely at home with this strange being. This...goddess.

"That's because I am a goddess," They spoke softly, for only my ears to hear. "The moon goddess my child."

"Y-Your the moon goddess?" I stuttered.

"No need to be frightened by me dear, I just wanted to speak to you."

"Well, what is it you want?"

"You have just learn that you could freeze time, am I correct?"

"Yah, I froze my friends and my mate."

"Worry not my child, they'll be just fine. But as for you, this isn't the only change that will happen in your life. You will gain my gifts, and you will become a threat to other werewolf's. They will want to see both you dead, and everyone else who you care about gone as well. Especially your mate." All this was happening so fast. I'm gonna gain more gifts? And people want me dead?!

"When will all this happen?"

"Well you've already gained one of the gifts, so you will be changing again. You shifted twice, and your gonna shift many more times and each you will change."

"I'm gonna shift again?!"

"Yes you are, but your mate and pack will be with you. With your future, I can tell that you're gonna need them to be by your side. If you ever need them to understand something of which you cannot find with words, touch their foreheads, and let me show them. I will paraphrase it for them. This act of sharing, will also come in handy for you, because it can also unfreeze them from the time stops."

"But what is something goes wrong? What if I'm not suppose to have this power, what if it's all a mistake?"

"There are no mistakes in the future Jem. You will become the chosen one, my child. I wish you the best of luck." Then a bright light blinded me. Out of reflex, I shielded my eyes.

This was so unexpected right?! But I think it was good, it fit right in for me. It would explain why she shifted twice, and has powers already. Anyways......



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