Naomi Scott

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The Birthday Girl

I'll be home in 5.

I read the text as adrenaline rushed inside my veins while I rushed my friends into decorating our house. Naomi and I have been married for six months and these months turned out to create most of my good memories. It's her birthday today and she's not aware of what my friends and I have been trying to pull off since afternoon.

"Mena! Hurry up!" I yelled at Naomi's co-worker and my friend who was cleaning up the living room to make it look better. 

I attached the last balloon to the wall and stepped back to admire my work. The cake was on the table, the "happy birthday" banner was stuck high on the wall and several balloons were scattered all around the room. Perfect.

"Woah, it actually looks good." Sam, my best friend commented. I turned to her.

"I had to do something since your peanut sized brain brought too many balloons than required." I rolled my eyes.

I had invited over all the people that were close to Naomi and me. Our families, close friends, and a few neighbors. The living room was so packed that I had to remove some furniture and set it aside.

I'm not much of a social person, but Naomi loves people. She's a huge extrovert and a great conversationalist. She has this charm around her which will put you in a good mood no matter what.

I fixed my shirt, which she gifted me not much time ago and ran my hand through my hair. This whole decorating thing is very stressful but this is the least I can do for someone so special to me.

I had already assigned people their places and as much as they joked about how seriously I'm taking this, I totally agree with them.

I don't play around when it comes to my girl.

I nodded to Joshua, Naomi's brother as he took his position by the light switch.

"Mena, she's almost here. Let's go." He nodded as I tiptoed, trying not to step on balloons or displace them in a way it'll look weird, and moved behind the sofa where we'll be hiding. I squatted down and I wiped the sweat off my forehead.

"Hey! I think she's coming." Joshua yelled. I heard the keys jingling as my heartbeat sped up. He shut the lights off as we all crouched down. The door opened as I heard the footsteps.

Fuck. I'm so ready to see her smiling face.

"Baby? Why are the lights-"

Joshua switched on the lights as everyone jumped up to scream, "Happy birthday!"

I went ahead to take in her shocked face and a smile automatically made its way on my face. She let the coat dangling from her arms fall as she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me into a hug.

"You did all this?" She whispered in my ear as shivered ran down my spine.

"Not just me." I pulled back and grinned.

"Happy birthday, love." I kissed her forehead and stepped back while others wished her too.

There she stood, with the biggest smile on her face as my heart fluttered in my chest. I really love this woman. 

"Where's the cake?" Sam obnoxiously yelled as she hopped her way to the table where the cake was.

Naomi was led towards the cake by Sam as my stomach silently growled. The cake is the second best thing this evening.

I stood next to her as she blew the candles and made a wish. I took some frosting on my finger and smeared it all over her face after she cut the cake.

"You look adorable! Let me get a picture!" Her mom gently pushed everyone away from us as I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and she leaned her head on mine and smiled.

"So what did you wish for?" I asked.

She turned to me and ran her finger over my jaw. "You'll find out." She stood on her tippy toes and brought her face near mine.

My heart sped up again and I grew nervous. All these years and she still has this effect on me. In a swift motion, she rubbed her cheek on mine and now I had cream all over my cheek.

Her laugh made me smile and forget about the cream. I pulled her into me and nuzzled my head into her neck.

"Stop it!" She laughed and tried to push me away.

"Ok enough of your PDA. Get a room now guys." Mena yelled with his mouth full of cake.

I looked down and saw that the cake was almost over and frowned. I really wanted it.

"Fuck, I wanted my dessert for tonight," I whined. 

"You're still getting it though." She smirked which made me weak in my knees. And suddenly I wanted to kick everyone out so I can finally be alone with the birthday girl.

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