Chapter 22: Hayley's games

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"Do you want to come to my house today? I have a sister your brother's age and they would get along." Noah suggested.

He had called me, on behalf of everyone, to ask why I wasn't at school. To be honest I didn't want to leave my father but the nurses said there wasn't much we could do for him in his state. Plus, they promised to call me if he had awoken.

"I guess we could come round for a little while. We need a change of scenery anyway. The rest are coming too right?"
"Yeah, we're on our way now."
"We brought food!" I heard Jacob scream at the back. I laughed.
"See you later."
"Yeah, bye."

I told Caleb about meeting my friends and I gave dad a kiss on the cheek before exiting. I looked at my hands remembering it being stained with blood last night and shivered feeling uneased.

By the time we had got to Noah's house everyone was well settled. I was also unhappily suprised to see Hayley Green sitting on the sofa and giggling. I snarled as I walked deeper inside and told Caleb not to jump on the furniture.

"We're so sorry about what happened with your dad. Xavier has really taken it too far now." Riley said concerned.
"It's okay, I shouldn't of let my dad talk to him but Xavier will pay." I said eating a dorito.
"Don't blame yourself for this. He would've done it regardless. You haven't done anything wrong.....for the first time." Taylor reassured me.

I nodded, not completely agreeing that it wasn't my fault but wanted to seem like I believed it.

"I know you don't believe us but trust me you couldn't of predicted that Xavier would've behaved so violently. Plus, you did the right thing not killing him the first time because he will be dealt with correctly instead of you." Cole reiterated.
"I hate you know me so well but I understand. Honestly, it's hard for me not to feel guility but I will try to stop."
"So, what's the new plan of action?" Noah asked.
"What do you mean?" Riley furrowed his eyebrows.
"What's our plan against Xavier?" Noah expanded.
"Prison." Riley proudly answered.

Well he wasn't wrong, Xavier had to go to prison. I swear he was wanted anyway from the amount of illegal acts he's done.

"Well, I think the easiest option is just call the police to their address." Riley added.
"The only problem is they could've prepared for that possibility. Either Xavier or one of his men stabbed my dad and they won't take any chances getting caught." I clarified.
"That's true, they could've even moved." Cole contemplated.
"I hope not or our whole plan becomes shambles." Jacob said eating a bounty.
"The question is what plan." I scoffed.
"Maybe just knock on their door and see if they're there." Hayley interrupted.

I glared at her in slight disgust for getting invloved in a situation that had nothing to do with her. Everyone except Noah shared the same slight disgusted face.

"You sound as dumb as Riley for mutliple reasons an-"
"She has a point." Noah interrupted me, "Maybe not that blatantly but we could observe the house to see if anyone is there before we think of an active plan for trapping them."
Hayley plastered a pearly smile and winked obviously at Noah making him turn a light hue pink.

I scowled jealous. I stayed silent and still just listening to the others plan.

Hayley's POV

I could tell Cayden wasn't pleased with my input but I did not care. I had a feeling she liked Noah and I couldn't wait to see the look on her face when Noah and I go out. I'm sure she's liked Jacob, Riley and Cole too but I can't be bothered to try and date them ... Noah seems a little closer to the Cayden. Whatever way is easiest.

I reapplied my make up in the bathroom and was showering myself with compliments of truth.

"You are just goregous." I blew a kiss at my reflection.

I heard mumbling from outside and it drew my attention away. As I got closer the names behind the voices became clear: Taylor and Cayden. My ear was now glued to the door wanting to her what they were saying.

"You need to calm down, I can see the anger and jealousy all over your face." Taylor said.
"How can I when the devil is making him blush."

She's talking about me!

"Ignore her, she's trying to wind you up. But on a more pressing matter what's going on between you and Noah."

I knew it.

"Nothing. No progress. All it's done is make my feelings stronger."
"It's adorable how you like him that much. It will all work out in the end but you're going to need to tell him."
"I can't bring myself to it. Uhhhhh love is for pussys!"
"Then I guess your the biggest pussy."
"But I don't love him."

The voices disintegrated as they left the spot and I was grinning like a cat from this infomation. She did like Noah and she was going to kiss my ass when I kiss him. This couldn't be better.


Before I left the house I asked Noah to walk me to the door. I could see the reluctance and it angered me. As he came closer I evaluated what he could do to improve. His cheekbones could be raised or lips filled and some other things here and there. But I could help him out. He opened the door for me and waved.

"Wait!" I stopped him from closing the door.
"I like you." It wasn't the truth but I had to tear him from Cayden, "I've liked you for a while and I can't stand to not have you."
"Oh wow. Okay. Thanks for telling me."
"Is that all you'll say?"
"Umm, yea. I haven't got anything to say."
"Tell me you like me?"
"I don't think I do. I like someone else."
"Cayden doesn't like you." I blurted, "I overheard her and Taylor talking outside the bathroom and she was just roasting you. She said you weren't her type and you didn't meet her standards. Saying you needed to fix your checkbones or get bigger lips because otherwise she wont see you as anything more than a friend."

Noah's face was unreadable. He just stared at me, like he could see through me and my lies.

"You overheard this? It doesn't sound like Cayden."
"You're wrong! You would be suprised. She knows I like you and she will try everything to have you. She acts like an angel but she's a devil."
"I don't know what to say-"
"Don't say anything..." I seductively put my finger on his lips and closed the distance between us.

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