T W E N T Y - T H R E E

Start from the beginning

The two greeted each other and the younger helped Levi put everything in its place. That's when Furlan asked his question. "You've been distracted lately since the day you said you were going to be out, what's up?" he inquired nonchalantly, his tone of voice revealing Levi didn't have to give a detailed explanation.

The question was simple and direct, and it's why it caught Levi a bit off guard. "Nothing. Just work," he mumbled.

He wished he didn't mention that because it's what made Furlan really begin to piece things together. "Is your boss firing you or something?" he questioned, but there was something behind the tone of voice that said he was searching for something more.

Levi glanced at him. "No," he answered with a small frown.

Furlan stayed silent for a few moments, just continuing to put things up before he stopped again. "You've been acting weird."

That made Levi roll his eyes, an exasperated sigh escaping as he looked over towards his roommate. His eyes narrowed. "How?"

"You get home and just go to your room and lock yourself in," Furlan answered, frowning at his friend. "Not to mention the night you got home all late, you were a bit drunk. I needed to lock the alcohol cabinet because you kept suggesting more. Not to mention you were smoking in here."

Levi froze, not recalling any of that. He had no memory of drinking more or even smoking that day. All he could remember was the time he'd spent with Irene. Everything his roommate had said seemed so fake, but he wouldn't have been surprised if it had actually happened. It had countless times in the past. It would be nothing new.

He muttered a quick apology as he always did for causing him trouble whenever he was intoxicated. Furlan brushed his apology aside. "You kept mumbling about your boss."

Levi almost dropped the bag of rice in his hands. He snapped his head towards Furlan, who held a calm gaze. "What?" he demanded, eyes piercing through his roommate.

The blond nodded, frowning and gray eyes revealing his confusion. "It was something along the lines of 'I wish we were together,' and 'she's beautiful,' or 'I think I'm in love with her—"

"I'm not in love with Irene," Levi interrupted bitterly, the inside of him churning and feeling embarrassed for saying such words. "Not like I have a chance with h—"

"That was all a lie. I just wanted to see if you had some feelings for her with the way you've been acting."

Levi clenched the frozen meat in his hands. He went to swing it at Furlan, his anger like an exploding volcano. His roommate quickly ran off to his room, Levi punching his door, leaving a dent he wouldn't pay for. He yelled and cursed at his old friend who simply laughed.

Since that day, letting his mouth speak before his mind could, spilling words that even he didn't fully understand or believe, he hadn't been the same. It made it harder to be around Irene. It was just as Mikasa said, she was way out of his league. Everything about her, ranging to her personality to her job, was out of his league.

What was Irene to him? He no longer saw her as his boss, of course he still did, but it was different than before. A little tweak of its own he couldn't pinpoint. Whatever it was, he wanted it to vanish.

Now, he watched as Irene hung up her phone. She heaved a sigh and placed her hands behind her neck. She appeared overworked and exhausted, like she hadn't gotten a good rest in weeks. It made him begin to ponder if he was the problem because it never happened until the night in the parking lot.

Levi continued to set up the lighting, debating whether or not he should ask if she was all right despite being clearly not. With a sigh barely audible, he looked over to Irene. "You should relax. It's obvious everything is stressing you out," he advised, watching as she opened her eyes and looked over at him.

𝐕𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐝 𝐌𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 | 𝖫𝖾𝗏𝗂 𝖠𝖼𝗄𝖾𝗋𝗆𝖺𝗇Where stories live. Discover now