Chapter 36 - Sweaty skin & calloused hands

Start from the beginning

"Norah?" He whispered. I moaned softly in response, unable to do much else besides feel the sensation of Shawn taking over me; the points where our bodies pressed together, the way his curls tickled my neck, the scent of his expensive cologne.

"Open your eyes. Watch."


"Watch," He repeated gruffly.

Shaking my head no, I bit down on my lower lip as his thumb began rubbing against me, while his fingers continued their agonising pace inside of me.

"I want you to watch."

I reluctantly opened my eyes to find him staring down at me with a soft expression of concern that made me press the back of my hand to his cheek and nod as I moaned, softer this time, "I'm good, Shawn , s'good."

That was the only reassurance he needed, because his gaze hardened and his pace quickened on all parts of me. He worked for a minute before the growing knot in my stomach, combined with the way he was staring at me, became too much.

"S-stop," I stammered, trying to catch my breath. "I want t-to -- you -- I'm ready."

His fingers slipped out from inside me, leaving me aching for more in his absence. He lowered his body over mine, and he was just so beautiful, all taut muscles and tattooed skin, that a million things I wanted to do with him flooded through my mind. But one took precedent over all the rest.

The way the tip of his dick was resting right above my pelvic bone, the way his cheeks were flushed from lust, and the way one hand was holding tightly onto my hair, made me think one thing: need.

"Need you," I gasped.

"You are sure?" He murmured.

With a wave of sexual frustration taking over me, I grabbed his face and brought it to mine, kissing him messily and without reserve. His hips pressed against mine as he grinned against me. Then all of the sudden he was stumbling off the bed while I watched in utter confusion. My questions were answered when he pulled out a foil package from his long forgotten pants and rushed back towards me, ripping it open with his teeth as he approached. A feral glint took over his eyes.

"Put it on me," He ordered.

I cautiously took the package before pulling out the rubber, hands shaking as they reached forward, to put it on. He must have noticed because seconds later, his steady hands were resting on top of mine, guiding me gently as I unrolled it over his shaft. Shawn lowered himself over me and reached one hand down to adjust, making me gasp at the feeling of his latex-covered length at my entrance.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," I breathed. "Yes, please."

I wound my hands around his neck and into his hair, ready to deal with the pain that I knew was coming. Shawn Mendes nuzzled into the crook of my neck and sunk into me in one slow, steady motion. My teeth clamped onto his shoulder as a flash of agony shot through me, but the feeling of his lips wandering up my jawline took it away as quickly as it had come. They ghosted over mine as he mumbled a soft,

"Okay? I'll take care of you."

"I know," I whimpered. "Please, Shawn ."

He slowly withdrew before pressing back inside of me with a low, guttural sound. The feeling of him inside me was incredible; every single thing was overwhelming, down to the way his hips were pressed flush against mine and the sheen of sweat between our bare chests. A loud moan escaped my lips, muffled by his bare shoulder that I was holding onto desperately with one hand while the other tugged at his curls relentlessly. The sound seemed to encourage Shawn , because he began speeding up, sinking back into me over and over, unrestrained as I moaned beneath him.

All I could think was ShawnShawnShawn, and that was all that mattered in that moment. Our foreheads rested against one another and his gaze burned into mine. With each powerful thrust, my vision blurred, my heart rate quickened, and my grip on his back muscles tightened. I found myself pushing back into his thrusts, wanting as much of him as I could possibly get. Half-moon imprints littered across his back where my fingernails dug in, threatening to spill over with blood at any moment.

"Norah," He grunted, my name coming out raspy and unrestrained. "So good."

"Shawn," I mimicked hoarsely, because that was all I could possibly muster at the time; I was taken by the way he continued to nip at my neck and across my shoulders as he pressed into me over and over. My toes were beginning to curl, my body was covered in a sheen layer of sweat, and the coiling sensation in my stomach was growing.

"Let go, babe," He groaned. "Come for me."

His encouraging, raspy voice was all it took to give me the final push over the edge. White-hot pleasure traveled up my spine and outwards to every limb of my body, even leaving my fingertips tingling. He thrust into me again and again as I rode out my orgasm; my vision was flashing white, my muscles spazzing with every thrust, and there was no way I was even breathing. As I clenched around him in pleasure, he growled lowly and dug his fingers into my hips. His pace was becoming uneven and sloppy, and with one last thrust, he froze inside of me before collapsing in a heap of sweaty passion.

His arms snuck under my waist, squeezing as tightly in reassurance, while he caught his breath. It was coming in soft pants against the warm, love-bite littered skin of my neck. I could only run my fingers through his sweaty curls and try to catch my own breath.

"You have goosebumps, Norah." He said after a minute of deep breathing. I giggled as his finger tips wandered across my collarbones and down to my exposed chest, where sure enough goosebumps of post-coital bliss were raised.

"You know you give them to me," I whispered.

He shifted slightly beside me and rested his chin in the palm of his hand, looking down at me with slowly-closing eyes. If even possible, he looked more beautiful than I had ever seen. He had that after-sex glow; a sheen of sweat across his brow, flushed cheeks, and swollen red lips.

"I know," He smirked lazily. I snuck an arm around his waist and nuzzled against him. By now, the thought of what I had just done was slowly setting into me and bringing with it the embarrassment. But it was over-shadowed by complete love for this man.

"Was it, uhm, you know.." -- I paused, tugging my lip into my mouth in contemplation -- "okay?"

His brown eyes shot open and his lips parted into a slight 'o' that I would want to kiss right off his face, if it wasn't so disconcerting. Much to my surprise, he hooked his ankle around mine and brought my legs between his, pulling our bare bodies even closer. Shawn then grasped my chin gently between his thumb and pointer finger and raised my gaze to meet his narrowed eyes.

"It was exactly what I needed," He murmured. "You are exactly what I need. You are mine."

My lips drew into a lazy, love filled grin. "Yeah? I couldn't tell from the amount of hickeys you left all over my body to claim me."

At my comment, he let out one of those fucking adorable giggles that I had only heard a few times before, and rolled on top of me. My body was slack beneath his due to exhaustion, so much so that I couldn't even pretend to protest when he placed his lips on the swell of my chest and began sucking harshly again. He smiled proudly against my skin when he was done, then peeked up at me out from under those ridiculously long eyelashes. He had the playful glint in his eyes and a boyish grin, and I fell in love just a little bit more.

"You," He paused, pressing a feather kiss to the fresh mark, "are mine." He grazed his nose across my skin to the few others -- "Mine," a peck on the bruise next to my raised nipple, "mine," the one right below my collarbone, "mine," the large one on my neck, "mine," the tip of my nose -- before finally giving me a chaste kiss on the lips, "all mine."

I hummed in appreciation as he melted against me and entangled our bare bodies once again, turning me into the little spoon and resting his cheek on my shoulder while we lay there under my light pink sheets.

"And your mine," I said hesitantly.

"Yes," He breathed. "I'm yours, Norah."

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