Chapter 35 - Monopoly money & delivery

Start from the beginning

"Are you done?" He finally huffed.

"I'm just- I can't- you look-" and then I burst out into laughter again. By that point, he was obviously done with my shit, because he picked me up off of the ground and threw me over his shoulder with an annoyed huff.  "Shawn!" I squealed, slapping his back. "Put me down!" 

He did exactly that, tossing me onto the couch and falling down on top of me with a cheeky grin, like he wasn't about to give me a complete heart attack by being so close to me and half-naked. My breath caught in my throat as I stared up at him with wide eyes. 

"Now Norah," He cooed. "Are we going to have a day of relaxation or what?"  I nodded slowly and wriggled out from beneath him.

"Yeah. Give me your phone. And whatever else you probably have to talk to your company. And you aren't allowed to touch it."  Shawn looked a little bit uneasy as he handed me over the item, and he watched me the entire time as I jumped up and set it off to the side. When it was safely tucked away, I jumped back onto the couch and was immediately pulled into his lap. 

"So what do we do now?" He asked slowly. 

"Absolutely nothing. We are going to put on a shitty movie, and I'm going to order Chinese food, and then we're going to just sit here. It's the American dream." 

Much to my surprise, Shawn actually smiled at the idea, and didn't say a word when I held up She's The Man to watch, or when I ordered massive amounts of food from a shitty Chinese restaurant, or when I curled up onto his lap.  Instead, he carded his fingers through my unmanageable curls and slowly said,

"We should play a board game." 

"A board game?" 

"Yes. So we can talk about things as well."  My head shot up at the offer.

"Wait...let me get this straight. You want to talk? Like voluntarily have a conversation?" 

"Yes, Norah," He scowled.

"Do not be so rude. What board games do you have?"

  I jumped up once again and headed over to the TV stand, where the board games that Tyler and I kept for when the power was out were hidden in the small cabinet. Shawn walked up behind me and squatted down to look at the options. 

"Do you like Monopoly?"  Nodding happily, I grabbed the game and headed back towards the couch. Shawn pulled a few pillows onto the ground for us to sit on, while I began getting the game ready in order for us to play. He picked the car, I picked the dog, and soon enough we began the game. 

"This is kind of unfair, because you're like a real business man," I pointed out. "You'll probably try to negotiate some mergers or something." 

"Probably," He grinned. "And I think I get $200 for passing go, yeah?" 

The game turned intense quickly. As expected, Shawn concentrated on every turn, mumbling to himself about investments and other things, and shooting me glares whenever I gently reminded him that it was 'just a game'.  By the time we were an hour in, I was almost already bankrupt and he had monopolies on most of the properties.

"This is fucking bullshit," I mumbled as I rolled the dice. 

"It's business, Norah." 

"Which is bullshit. And super complicated. How do you do this in the real world?" 

He shrugged and watched as I moved a few spaces, then tried to hide his grin when I landed on one of his properties.

"It's actually kind of fun, when I am not pissed off. I like the power." 

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