My eyes widened. There was so much quintessence.

"That just might explain the mixed energies I'm feeling." I said. Suddenly, our probe made contact, but just as it did, it dissapeared in a blue light.

"Ooh! That's weird!" Hunk said as shocked as the rest of us.

"Okay, well, let's not get anywhere near there." Lance cautioned.

"We must." Allura said.

"Hold on. Didn't you just see what happened?" Hunk asked.

"Voltron's compositional strength far exceeds anything else in this universe. We recieved an Altean distress call, which means that someone is alive on that ship." Allura said, "As Palidans of Voltron, it is our duty to help."

"Princess," Keith said worryingly, "I still think there's a chance that this whole thing is a trap."

"Even if it's not a trap, it's far too dangerous to go in there." Coran supported.

Allura turned and began to walk away, "I'll do it myself if I have to." I bolted out of my chair and ran to her side.

"I can't let you go in there on your own." I said grabbing her hand and stopping her.

Eventually we all agreed, changing into our armor and rushing into our lions.

We launched and quickly formed Voltron, but as soon as I united with Voltron, a wave of pure energy rolled over me.

I stopped breathing for a moment as we flew towards the wormhole, but quickly regained it a minute later.

"Do you feel that, White?"

"I do, Zurine. What is this energy?"

"I don't know, but, it feels calm. Something will happen when we board that ship. Best we be on our toes."

"Alright, let's take it slow." Keith said dragging me back to reality.

We were finally close to the ship when we stopped and hovered.

"Pidge, any chamce you can explain what I'm seeing right now?"

"The Euclidian space around the ship is obviously some kind if anomaly. But the energy source doesn't originate from anything that registers with my understanding on how reality works." Pidge said.

"I'll take that as a 'no'."

"I'll scan the ship for biorhythms." Hunk acanned the ship, but came up with no signs of life.

"That's strange." He murmured, "I'm not showing any signs of life on the ship."

"Maybe not in this half, but there is more to this ship than we are seeing." Allura said.

"Allura, you're not auggesting we go through to the other side of the ship, are you?" I asked.

"That's exactly what I'm saying."

"You mean go through the glowy, explode-y area?" Lance asked unsure of Allura's sanity at this point.

We edged closer to the ship.

"Pidge, Zurine, keep an eye on Voltron's vitals. Everyone, be prepared to abort if things get hairy." Keith said.

"Roger that. Ready to abort immediately." Hunk said.

Slowly we edged closer to the white space surroudning the ship. Just then, Pidge and my sensors began beeping rapidly.

"Guys, my sensors are going crazy." Pidge said.

The White Lion PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now