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Blake woke up the next morning to an empty bed as she saw a little note on Macs  pillow.

'I had to meet with Jack, I won't be long' it read

She groaned before getting up and putting her silk dressing gown on and headed out to see Bowie sleeping in the dog bed. She made some coffee and decided to call Mac to see how long he would be.

"Hey" he answered out of breath

"Hey baby where are you?"

"Er Just with Jack, I don't know how long I'm going to be" He told her

"Ok I just wanted to see if you wanted to get lunch?" She poured her coffee.

"I don't think I'll be done until later" he panicked

"Mac you're freaking me out" she took a deep breath.

"I'm just helping Jack with something. How about we go out for dinner tonight? Just you and me, you can wear that new dress you bought and I'll pick you up at 7" He explained

"Ok, I mean it Mac if you or Jack are in trouble and haven't told me then-"

"We are fine ok I love you so much" he hung up.

"Your dad is up to something. It's a good job he's cute " she turned to Bowie.

"And I'm talking to the dog that's great" she sat down to catch up on her show.


It's been hours and Blake has taken Bowie for a run out and come back for a long hot bath singing along to the radio. When she gets out and looks at the clock it's only 4:30 she huffs and starts to get ready slowly.

She spends her time doing her hair and makeup before finally she gets her dress on with her shoes and bag ready to go. There is a knock on the door, confusion covers her face as she goes to answer it.

"Mac? Why are you ringing the door you  have a key" she sees Mac stood there all dressed up with a suit and his top buttons open.

"You look amazing, as always" he passed her some flowers.

"Peonies, my favourite" she placed them in a vase.

"So where we going?" She asked as she followed him to his car.

"It's a surprise"

"I've known you long enough to know you are up to something Angus" she smirked to him as he drove further from her place.

When they got there Blake noticed it was a salsa club they were at. The one she had always mentioned she wanted to go for a long time but Mac didn't want to dance.

"Mac why are we here?"

"That's the surprise, I know you've wanted to come here but I was never able to do Salsa. I learnt to for you, I know it's important to you and that you love it" he rubbed the back of his neck.

"You learnt to dance for me?" She moved closer to him.

"Well yeah, I love you and I want to be able to go dancing together even when we are old"

"This is why I love you Angus Macgyver, you are so thoughtful" she kissed him as he lead her inside.

The inside of the place made Blake's eyes widen as she watched it in awe. How everyone moved whilst they dance the passion and love.

"Let's go Miss Shelly" he grabbed her hand bringing her to the dance floor and spinning her around. The pair danced for what seemed forever and they walked over to their table to cool down.

"I can't believe you did that for me. You were so good" she laughed as he lead her outside for some air.

"Of course I would do that for you, I'm not perfect but-"

"You are to me" She kissed him before looking away at the beautiful lights the had hanging outside.

"I never realised this place was so beautiful" she saw all of the flowers hanging from them trellises with fairy lights.

"Come on" he pulled her through all of the lights and flowers to a little private area with candles everywhere.

"Mac?" She turned to see him kneeling behind her with a blue box in his hands.

Blake and Mac Where stories live. Discover now