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Cage had decided to go back to Australia after being shot by Murdoc.

It was Christmas Day morning and Blake was over at Macs. She got everyone matching Pjs on Christmas Eve like her and her dad has done for many years.

Blake woke up early to make breakfast as everyone was coming round for Christmas. She always gets excited around Christmas time. She made the pancakes and other things for breakfast before she went back to Macs room.

"Babe, Babe" Blake kisses Macs face all over to wake him up and he groaned.

"Merry Christmas" she smiled before kissing his lips.

"Can you wake me up like that every morning" he moaned

"I made you breakfast" she pulled his arms up.

"Ah be careful you hurt my back last night" he smirked

"Well That was one of your presents. Now get that cute ass up before Jack comes and eats your pancakes" she leaves the room to see Bozer walking into the kitchen.

"I smelt pancakes" he smiled

"Merry Christmas Boze" she kissed his cheek.

"I like you staying here and making pancakes" he dug in before Jack and Riley came in.

" I brought presents so I expect presents" Jack announced

"It's a good job I got you the best gift ever then" Blake smiled as Mac came out of the bedroom in his PJs like Blake wore

"She got you wearing matching Jammies too" jack asked

"Hey!" Blake threw a strawberry at Jack

"Don't listen to him I love matching PJs" he kissed Blake.

Once everyone ate their breakfast Matty arrived and it was time to open presents. Everyone had given out presents and it was just Blake to give out her presents.

"Me first!" Jack demanded as Blake passes her his present.

"Oh it's a big one" Jack got excited as he opened it. Blake had gotten him a vintage guitar that had been signed by all of the members of Metallica. Once Jack realised what it was he didn't know what to do with himself. He looked up to Blake with a tear in his eye.

"It's taken me 7 months to track that baby down so" Blake shrugged

"I can't believe you got me this" he ran his finger over it.

"Well you're like my second dad" she looked to him with a sad smile before he came over and gave her a huge hug.

"Right Mac you're next" she picks out a box and hands it to Mac.

Mac smiled and looked at the box before opening the bow and the lid. She lifted out a tattered old notebook with scientific equations all over the from. Mac lifted his head to look at Blake.

"What is that?" Jack asked

"That is a unpublished notebook of Paul Dirac" Blake smiles looking back at Mac.

"I can't believe this" Mac gently looked at the book.

"Do you like it?" She asked nervous.

"Are you kidding me? This is amazing! I can't even believe you got this!" He was like a kid at Christmas.

Bozer was in charge of Christmas dinner with some help from the others mainly Blake whilst everyone talked and enjoyed their gifts. At dinner everyone sat there with their Christmas cracker hats on and Laughing together.

Blake and Mac sat next to each other holding hands under the table. Blake watched everyone around her and for the first time in a long time she felt at home, safe. After everyone had finished their Christmas dinner early  everyone sat there stuffed.

"Right everyone lets go" Blake stood up and everyone looked at her strangely but stood up and followed as she lugged 5 big sacks from her room.

"Where exactly are we going?" Bozer asked

"Blake does this every Christmas, she buys lots of toys to take to the childrens hospital on Christmas Day" Jack explains as he helped with the bags followed by Mac helping.

Blake and Mac Where stories live. Discover now