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Today was the day, the day that Mac and Blake had decided to tell the others about the two of them. It's been a couple months not that they had managed to keep it a secret.

Everyone had finished the mission for the day and gathered at Macs and Bozers like every Friday night and Blake was nervous.

"Calm down they aren't going to be that bad" Mac tried to calm her down.

"What about Jack?" She asked

"Jack loves me" he smirked

"That's not funny" she threw a pillow at him.

"Babe, it's going to be fine"

"Babe? That's new" she smiled as he walked closer.

"I'm trying it out what you think?"

"I like it" she kissed him quick before pulling away.

"Well That was mean"

"Let's go"


Once everyone was gathered and having a laugh with each other. Blake watched Matty as she looked back to Blake smiling a little.

"Ok I have something to tell you all" Blake stood up not being able to take the pressure anymore.

"You leaving again?" Jack asked

"No I'm not leaving"

"Me and Mac are together" she blurted out fast as Mac stood next to her.

"We've been together for about 4 months now" Mac told them.

"We know" Bozer spoke first.

"What! Who knows?"

"Me, Riley and Matty. We've known all along" he smirked.

"Jack?" Blake faces her.

"Please be ok with this Because if your not then-" She babbled on

"Are you crazy? My best friend and my niece" he stood up. Blake held her breath.

"That's amazing!" He hugged them both.

"You're happy?" Mac asked

"Wait is this a trick you did this before and punched someone after?" Blake raised her eyebrows.

"Of course I am!" Blake breathes out a sigh of relief. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Cage walk out.

"But if you hurt her I will kill you and if I don't get to you first then her father will" Jack laughed.

"I don't plan on it" he pulled Blake close.

"Matty?" Blake asked

" Of course I knew, don't let it affect your work" she smiled as they both nodded.

Blake and Mac Where stories live. Discover now