Chapter 56: Meant To Be???

Start from the beginning

Jen: Sure.

Colby: We won't tell him.

Peyton: So, you guys know how I get my stuff shipped to your house because we don't want our neighbors to steal our mail?

We nodded out heads.

Peyton: Well I got a letter in the mail the other day from a really good art school that's offering me to go on scholarship.

Jen: That's amazing!

Peyton: Not really. It's in New York. I don't know how to tell him. I don't even think I'm going to take it.

Colby: Peyton, you got offered a great opportunity. Talk to him about it. I'm sure he'll understand.

Peyton: But what if he doesn't?

Colby: He will. You know him. You know how understanding he is.

*Peyton's POV*

I looked at Ash and considered my options. Either stay here and chance getting into an art college... Or go to New York and leave him, my sister, Jen, Colby, and Haley. I couldn't leave all of them. I decided I wasn't going to take it. I would be too lonely in New York. I mean, I would probably be okay if I had at least one of them there. Ash opened his eyes wide and a smile spread across his face. He was staring at my face. He's not mad, so, we got horny Ash.

Ash: Woah you're hot. Do you have a boyfriend?

Jen put her hand over her mouth to contain her laughter. I decided to mess with him a bit.

Peyton: No.

Ash: In that case... Do you have a mirror in your pants because I could see myself in them.

Peyton: Is that your attempt at flirting?

Ash seemed unfazed.

Ash: I want to give you the fourth letter of the alphabet.

Colby clamped his hand over his mouth to contain his laughter.

Peyton: Never heard that one before.

Ash: Do you work at Subway? Because you just gave me a foot long.

Jen was now biting her knuckle to contain her laughter.

Peyton: Try again.

Ash: There are so many things you can do with the human mouth, why use it for talking?

Peyton: Keep trying.

Ash: Are you an archaeologist? Because I have a bone for you to examine.

Peyton: Nope.

Ash: Your clothes are making me uncomfortable; please take them off.

Peyton: Not yet.

Ash: Hi, my name is "Milk" I'll do your body good.

Peyton: I'm lactose intolerant.

Ash: Do you like to draw because I put the D in Raw.

Peyton: Still not working.

Ash: Are you the SAT? Because I'd do you for 3 hours and 45 minutes.

Peyton: You have some progress.

Ash: The only reason I'd kick you out of my bed would be to fuck you on the floor.

Peyton: You're getting closer.

Ash: I have a bad headache. I heard the best cure for a headache is sex. How about we see if the rumors are true.

Peyton: Just a little bit more convincing.

Ash: That outfit looks great on you! It would look better on the floor though.

I stared at Ash mischievously. He fell back asleep.

Jen and Colby started dying laughing. Ash was too deep asleep to notice. Haley came back in the room.

Haley: Peyton, I have big news!

She said with a giant smile.

Peyton: What is it?!

Haley: I got a phone call from Mannes School of Music in New York... I got accepted!

Peyton: Oh my god! That's amazing.

I hugged her and realized what this meant. I asked for one friend in New York with me... And that's what I got... Is the universe telling me I should go? But how could I tell Ash? Could I really leave him like that?


"You're sick of feeling numb
You're not the only one
I'll take you by the hand
And I'll show you a world that you can understand
This life is filled with hurt
When happiness doesn't work
Trust me, and take my hand
When the lights go out, you'll understand."

Previous Winner: GabrielaRomerocruz

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