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"...... I love it when you call me Señorita

I wish I could pretend I didn't need ya....."

".....but every touch is oo-la-la

It's true-la-la........"

Señorita {Camilla and Shawn}

• N O O R •

"What kind of person gets married and says 'I'm not ready'" Aneesa rolled her eyes as she read some book on Wattpad and I sighed snatching the phone from her hand and placed it on her lap as she glared at me

"Then don't read Arranged marriage books" Tasneem replied and Fatima made a face "Nigerian books are all about Arranged marriage"

"You guys use to try fah, read for school then read one stupid Wattpad book like this" Ummulkhair bit from her bar of chocolate and I called Adnaan and he picked after third ring

"Hello, Adnaan?"

"Naam, how are you?"

"I'm fine, you sound tired, you're overworking yourself koh"

"No but I think I'm going to die"

"You have to work, and you've been going to office for quite a while now so I don't think you'll die" I laughed

"No! I think it's because I can't see your face" he whined and I rolled my eyes hiding the blush "now who sounds whipped?"

"Yes baby I'm whipped like whippy cream"

"Adnaan you're not funny stop trying"

"If blushing in the category of laughing I think I'm fine with you" I could picture him winking and my stomach fluttered, this guy is unbelievable

"Why are you quiet?"

"Because you're delusional"

"Hen hen and that's why you seduced me in my sleep"

"Adnaan for the last time I didn't, ugh I came to wake you up and tripped on the carpet then fell on your annoying self" I rolled my eyes and I heard his loud laughter from the other end, his deep laugh sending waves down my body

And that's when I noticed it, the eerily quiet parlor and the girls looking at me with scary smiles I swear it looked like some the-crooked-man-about-to-kill-smile, so I stood up and left the parlor

I rolled my eyes at Fatima and at Tasneem who were clapping each others hands and chanting "our ship is sailing"

"Noor you can fantasize about me when we're done talking you know, I know you miss me"

"Keep telling yourself that, I want to go out with the girls"


"Anty faridas house and salon and the mall"

"Sure but come back early"

"Okay, thank you and bye"


"Is there anything I can get for you"

"A kiss when I come back"

"Keep dreaming" and I cut the call and informed the girls then went upstairs and changed to a cream Abaya gown and tied it's belt and also it's veil with my nude flats and white handbag putting all the necessary things

It's been a month and some weeks since my marriage with Adnaan and it's going well and so is my pregnancy, the morning sickness is depleting and so is the stomach ache and my Ante-natal is in a month so don't need to bother about anything other than my cravings and hunger

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