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"open the gate dan ubanka" barira yelled at joel

"tell him to open this gate if not this is just going to be small of the chaos you'll see Noor, just wait and you'll see Noor" she threatened as she banged my car window

I ignored her and she found a stone and threw it at my car window, i lowered it a tiny bit "if you try that nonsense wallahi i'll make joel tie you up like a dog to the gate you so badly want to cross, so you better mind yourself"

"Go to hell Noor! i hate you so much, i want to kill you wallahi, i'll strangle your pretty little neck then maybe you wont be in the way of me and Adnaan again"

"so this is all it's about? my husband, he doesn't want you barira get over it, he will never choose you!, even if you like use all the charms in the universe, Allah ya fiki"

she looked like a crazed animal, like a starved wolf out to hunt, she didn't even look normal "just because you caught me doing it doesn't mean you don't do it, i mean a whole Adnaan so dedicated and devoted to you? only God knows what you and your witch mother did to bag him" she smirked

Rage blinded me as i got out of the car and dragged her inside the house "someone that has passed away? you're accusing my mother of such?" i slapped her so hard my palm stinged so bad

i didn't stop "you brainwashed my husband, maybe you're even the one who caused the accident, you put my marriage on the line and now you insult my mother?" I was so blinded by rage as i released all my pent up anger on her, i kept hitting her nonstop, i beat her so much my arms hurt

I couldn't even feel the hits she landed, two arms dragged me away from her and i realized that hajiya arrived as Baba dragged me away, mummy just stood there in shock with her hands over her mouth as hajiya came to me

I broke down in her arms "how dare she hajiya? how dare she call my dead mother a witch? my Maama, she accused my Maama of witchcraft after she made my husband despise me, what have i done to her that i deserve this?"

I don't know for how long hajiya held me, but she did till i calmed down and stopped crying as she recited calming verses and duas "let's go to my house" she helped me up as we entered her car

I think Mummy handled barira but i was too tired to even register my surroundings as we got in to car


I felt a tap on my shoulder, i fell asleep on the way, anty Farida helped me out of the car and gave me a big hug, i'm so tired of crying, my eyes and my whole body hurt, i feel so exhausted and drained

i hope my baby is okay

we all gathered in the parlour and finally barira entered the parlour crying hysterically as her mum followed behind also shedding a few tears

"Rabbish Rahli Sadri wa Yasirli Amri Wahlul Auqdatan Min Lisane, Yafkahu Kauli, BismillahirRahmanir Raheem. First of all, Habiba are you aware of your daughters doings?" Baba asked and bariras mum shook her head

"Noor caught her red handed in her husbands house, toilet to be precise with charms and she said her husband hasn't been acting normal too, so conclusively your daughter charmed khadija's husband" he explained "subhanallah" was all she said

"she's lying" barira protested "let's hear it from khadija first" Baba said calmly as anty farida told her to shut up

"it started since about two weeks ago, all of a sudden Adnaan came back home and he wasn't normal, he didn't even want to stay in the same room as me, he was always reprimanding me for little things i did or things i didn't even do, he hit me, and all sort of things that he has never did even when he was furious with me, and today he had an accident, when i came back home to change and rest a bit, i caught her, she was in his toilet rolling up some type of paper then tying it with a red thread, there were others too"

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