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"Just shut up Noor I don't want to hear about it!" He barked making me flinch as he raised his voice at me

"You're just good for nothing" he hissed "I don't understand why you're overreacting Adnaan, everyone makes mistakes you know, I'm not perfect" I was tired of listening to him shout at me for something so silly

Apparently he called me to help him get an important file but I didn't pick up, I wasn't feeling fine and I took some drugs which made me drowsy

He came home early and met me sleeping, and he's acting like it's the end of the world

"Fine Adnaan I get it, I didn't pick up your call when you needed me, I'm sorry but my phone was on silent and I wasn't feeling fine, isn't that a reason enough"

"Why was your fucking phone on silent Noor? What if someone needed you, you'd say you were sleeping? Do you know how important that bloody file was?" He groaned getting more frustrated

"If it was so important why did you forget it in the first place" I said calmly and he was about to say something but he stopped "you see, you forgot and you made a mistake just like I did"

"Maybe anty jamila was right, I need someone who will be a good example of a good wife, someone who will take proper care of me and give me children" it felt like he slapped me

I was dumbstruck as he said that "I know that I always try my best to take care of you and you would be lying to say I'm not. You're thinking of what anty jamila said right? So what of all the lies you told me about me being the only one you love.." I didn't get to finish when I was pressed against the wall as his hands tightened around my throat stopping the airflow

"Fuck!" He muttered letting me go as I coughed, tears slid down my face as I fell to ground "what did you say to me that day Adnaan? You said you were going to kill hanaans husband for laying a hand on..." he interrupted me "I had to put you in your place"

"So you can put me in my place but hanaans husband can't!" I yelled as tears streamed down my face, I was so angry but I was hurt more than I could ever imagine

"Don't bring my sister into this!" He growled "Bull shit Adnaan! That's the only thing you've been saying since you stepped in, I don't know what's gotten into..." I felt a harsh sting on my face before I could finish

"You learn to watch your mouth!" And just like that he left slamming the door

The tears fell slowly then turned into sobs, I couldn't even process everything, I never in my wildest dreams ever thought Adnaan would ever hit me talk-less of strangling

I sat there and cried my eyes out till sleep overtook me


I woke up due to a pain in my back because of the position I fell asleep in and also a sting on my lip

I looked in the mirror a bruise is already forming around my cheek and my lip is busted, There is a slight purple handprint around my neck

After having a cold bath and praying Maghrib, I poured my heart out to my Rabb, the only one who would listen to me and guide me to the right path

I walked to the toilet and looked at the pregnancy tests I took this morning, one positive and one negative

I was going to wait for Adnaan so he'd be there while I took the third test which will confirm it or not

Deciding against it, I took the test and used warm towel to massage my cheek to reduce the swelling while I waited for the test to beep

I held my breath as I picked it up my eyes shut, I opened them and there were two lines which meant I was carrying a child

The child of a man who abused me earlier this afternoon


I decided to talk to Adnaan when he came back from wherever he went to, I cooked and incensed the house

Amna called me and we spoke for a bit then she left cause Layla started making a fuss, I didn't want to tell anyone about the baby, I wanted Adnaan to be the first to hear about it

I felt tears well up as I remembered all the things he said to me this afternoon, I changed the channel to Food Network to distract me and luckily Chopped was airing, after two episodes I got tired, it's about 10 now and Adnaan is still not back

Different thoughts ran through my head, I called him and it said his phone is switched off, I hated how I felt even after all the things he did to me

I was awoken by the sound of the doorbell, I checked the time and it was around 4AM

Openinh the door I and was met with a shabby looking Adnaan, he looked taken aback as I opened the door, as if he wasn't expecting me to open it

"Adnaan!" I called and he ignored me as he walked upstairs not even sparing me a glance, this isn't Adnaan, even if I made him really mad he never stayed mad at me for long


It's been four days since our fight and Adnaan doesn't talk to me anymore, he doesn't eat what I cook, he comes back home very late and any time I try to talk to him it's either he ignores me or tells me to leave him alone

I've been having constant cramps and morning sicknesses, I literally throw up anything I eat and I still haven't yet told him about the pregnancy

He doesn't deserve to know.

I was surprised when I heard his car park, I opened the door and went back to sit, as usual he just goes straight to his room, we don't even sleep together anymore

"Adnaan! Where are you going?" I asked as he came downstairs picking up his car keys "somewhere that doesn't concern you"

"What has gotten into you for Goodness sake! I'm your wife I deserve to know your whereabouts" I demanded and he let out a humorless chuckle

"What is it Adnaan? What is happening to you?" I asked and he turned away walking to the door "I'm talking to you" I grabbed his hand and he flinched moving away from me

"Leave me Noor! Don't you understand I don't want you, your presence makes me sick" I just stood there looking at him

"Anytime I look at you I just...ugh, let me go" he said and I shook my head holding his wrist tighter

"Let me go Noor" he warned and I let go of his wrist "or what? You'll hit me again? You know the bruise on my lip has still not healed, you want to give me another one?"

"If I have to, I will!" He yanked me by my hair making me hiss in pain "Is this how you're going to treat me when I have your kids or are you also going abuse them just like you do to their mother?" 

"I don't even want you to be the mother of my kids" he let go of me making me stagger backwards "well that's too late!"

"You're not pregnant Noor and even if you are, that thing isn't mine" he turned slamming the door as he left

I don't have the strength to fight anymore, I can't stay in this house

My phone rang and I got up to pick the call, it's an unknown number

"Congratulations Uwar gida!" Anty jamila said, I could recognize her voice anywhere ai anytime

"I don't understand? I think you're mistaken, this is Noors number" I was so confused "it is you who I want to talk to ai, Adnaan has chosen Barira as his second wife"


Please you guys what's happening, I don't understand this Adnaan ooh, ahh what happened to "I love you with every fiber of my being noor?"

Anyways we'll see💗

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