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——R E C A P——

"We will leave you two" Kareema smiled and they left to the dining leaving us to talk and I kept mute

After a while he finally spoke up "aren't you going to say anything" and that's when I looked up remembering his face, he was that guy in Central Park with khairi

• N O O R •

I rolled my downcast eyes at what he said, Fatima stepped in with a tray of Snacks and drinks and she backed me she gave me 'the mighty wink' as she calls it mouthing 'hot mess' before stepping out

He served himself and the smell hit my nostrils making me gag, the scent was awful despite my love for meat snacks

My eyes were down as he ate and the familiar bile rose up my throat making me run to the guest toilet in the parlor outing my guts which is the Chicken Republic sandwiches

I quickly washed my mouth and the sink as I opened the cabinet using the mouthwash, I felt my veil shifted making me quickly spit out the mouthwash as I turned seeing him standing there shifted something in me as I briskly walked out of the toilet leaving him there

I had a negative vibe around guys I'm not close to, the only guys I could sit with is Usman, Hammad and other male cousins I was close to

He stepped out of the toilet and said Salam then left, I felt the tears brimming my eyes as I quietly walked upstairs not disturbing their dinner

Maybe you scared him away

I shook my head and sat by the window dragging my vanity stool as I watched the rain pit pat on my window, the rain was my favorite part of nature, I would always get inside and twirl as Maama scolded me for catching a cold and when Abba used to be around he would piggy back me and we would run into the garden disappearing from Maamas Spatula spanks that both me and him got when she was making our favorite dinner

I miss my dad

I wiped the lone tears that fell as Amna entered "Kareema told me that Adnaan said you're sick and we should check up on you" her eyebrows furrowed as she looked at me

"I puked! Infront of him" i exclaimed as my arms flew in every direction "babe! Everything is fine, well he cares about you, he texted Kareema and told her to check up on you, aww isn't that cute" she pinched my cheek making me roll my eyes at her sappiness

"Sureee" I dragged and turned around my attention going back to the wet umbrella tree leaves that shadowed my window, the droplet fell slowly slipping till it dropped on another leaf

"Noor!" Amna snapped me out of my thoughts and I turned back to her and she winked "you're annoying" I rolled my eyes pulling my feet to my chest as I hugged my knees

"Amna! I miss him" I whispered, sure enough she heard and wrapped an arm around my shoulder "everyone does but sometimes we leave the things that hold us back to move on no matter how much we love them"

"But why? He left without a goodbye, he just walked out the front door no words shared, it hurt Maama, he hurt her so bad, I always heard thier arguments for weeks in the night and act like I didn't hear anything it got so bad they sometimes argued infront of me and then he just left" I felt the tears that quietly fell wiped by Amnas warm hands

"He doesn't deserve a strong and beautiful woman like your Mother Noor, he deserves the skimpy small girl who will disrespect him to death" she cursed in a determined voice making me laugh

"I miss your bubbly laughs" she whispered and I sighed burying my head in her neck "I missed you Noor, everything about you"


The house was bustling with relatives and I was in Hajiyas house as the old lady who was doing my gyaran jiki (it's a local spa mostly consists of waxing, milk baths, hair washing and turmeric wax)

She washed my hair with rose water and henna after that I was escorted to the toilet as she gave me a soap to wash my body with and all, my skin was literally glowing

"Masha Allah!" The woman exclaimed and smiled at me "toh yau mun gama dilke babu ihu da kuka (today we have finished our waxing so no more screaming and crying)" she laughed and I laughed along


The guda (yodeling) was heard from every corner as they called from the mosque saying it's been knotted and the people shouting 'ke kika ce kinaso da baki ce kinaso ba da bamu Baki shi ba'

I was somebody's wife now and my Jannah lies under his feet,

before I go out I have to ask him,

I have to wear big veils now,

I have to obey him,

I have to cook morning, afternoon and night or whenever he is hungry

I stood up from the crowd of swooning girls as they dropped over him on Amnas phone, I rolled my eyes ,yes sure he was handsome but it's not something to hype

"Subhanallah, Noor are you ready?" Hajiya asked when she entered and I shook my head "hajiya I don't want to go" I sobbed as I hugged her tight

"My baby, I will always come and see you, just tell him today to prepare for another wedding cause you are about to have a co-wife" she joked and I saw the unshed tears glisten her eyes

"Kai ka kai, wallahi I must tell Abba Kiari, because you have seen fine guy koh" Anty Farida joked as she entered the room, I felt slapping the phone out of Tasneem and Sameeras hand as the took shots of my tears face

Hajiya glared at Anty Farida before giving her space to hug me "Wayyo, my baby has grown up so fast she wants to leave me for a boy" she wiped my tears and I cracked a smile as I wiped hers

"Let's go" she called out to the girls in the room, we were about ten in the room, they all got up getting ready and all as I was taken to Hajiyas room and Tasneem, Ummulkhair, Amna and Fatima silently towed with their clothes in hand

As I entered the room they begged to be let in ad hajiya smacked thier heads before allowing them in as the Makeup artist came, she did my make up and head tie as I changed to the Royal blue and silver gown with a black and silver Alkaybba , that was my gift from uncle Sarki, he is the crowned king of Zaria

We all got ready, physically obviously for me but mentally, I was a crashing mess

I really wasn't ready to go to a house alone and live my whole life there without any family or friend to stay with me just my "husband" who's parents house I was being taken to then my marital home as they call it


*sniffs* Wayyo our Noor, our beautiful Noor is married to our handsome Adnaan😏

Oh well, what will the next chapter reveal, I hope something gooddddd💃🏼❤️😊 anyways see you there *runs away* 😉

I love you guys so much thanks for your love and support 🥰❤️

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