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"Its not even fair!" I whined as I placed the ingredients on the counter and eyed my husband

"How not?" He chuckled "how can you be gone for two weeks, I can't stay alone in this house, I know i can call someone to stay with me but still it's not going to be like your company" I pouted

"Come here" I dragged my feet into his open arms "I'll call you everyday so you won't even have time to miss me and then it's just two weeks not two months"

"Alright then" I muttered and went back to my popcorn, I'm making homemade caramel popcorn

After caramelizing the sugar I added milk, vanilla extract and butter then later added the corn and covered it


"What is your problem? You nag too much haba" I rolled my eyes passing him another white shirt from the closet

I mistakenly spilled tea on him and he has been going on about me not wanting him to leave so I'm ruining his shirt

"Just admit it" he smirked pulling me to him "wallahi it was a mistake, that's how last time you said I was trying to seduce you in your sleep, delusional ass" I huffed and he burst into fits of laughter, annoying me more

"Go self, I don't even want you to stay" I whined and pushed him back walking into the closet to find my veil

"I'm sorry" he dragged and placed a soft kiss on my forehead and I rolled my eyes grinning "you're meant to be at the airport by 11 and it's 9 so we better get going cause we're going to mamas house

After visiting Ummas house, I dropped Adnaan off and the driver took me home, changing to my pyjamas I cooked Indomie and decided to watch something

The house is so quiet it's scary, I already miss Adnaan, I can't even call him because he's still in the clouds

I quickly FaceTimed Amna on my MacBook, she finally picked after calling her like three times

"Just because you have a baby doesn't mean you should forget your best friend" I said as her face came into view

"It's not like that babygirl, things have just been so hectic and so stressful I can't even, Layla has been running a high temperature and she doesn't even sleep, she just cries, I don't even understand anymore and then anytime we go to the hospital they just prescribe for her that's all" she went on

"Ahh you're really trying fah, May Allah grant her shifa, talking about her where is she?" I asked "she's sleeping, she sleeps during the day and stays awake all night"

"InshaAllah I'll come and see you guys tomorrow" I grinned and her eyes popped "Really? It's been a while since i saw this your ugly face"

"I may be ugly but I'm not fat!" I retorted and she rolled her eyes "just wait, give me like next month I'll start loosing weight and I will be that sexy mama" she bragged

"You've been saying that since you finished your Jego and it's been like two months now"

"No God Forbid, I don't even really need to much this girl is draining me" she sighed "don't worry it's all worth it, being a mother is not a joke"

"Oya come and gist me, how is everything from your side?" She asked siting up "it's fine, Adnaan travelled abii is traveling to Turkey for a meeting and he's coming back in the next two weeks" I cried and she made a face "wahala for who no get husband ooh, me that Khalil travels to Port Harcourt every two weeks for three days fah, I should now say what" she rolled her eyes

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