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"...I swear your annoying please stop" I rolled my eyes at Fatima who chewed on her food, drank a bit of water then opened her mouth to show us the food inside and the fact that it was chips and fish

Hammad brought me and her to this amazing place in a Barrack where they sell the best hot chips, hot and smoky and peppered fish and side coleslaw

"What do you want?" The woman asked and hammad replied "Fatima will have LaCasera as usual, I'll have Ginger Beer and Noor will have just water"

"Kai hammad you know that your old girlfriend , that Shamsiya girl well she is getting married" Fatima chirped and I almost choked at the expression on hammads face

"Don't even go the..." she interrupted him before he finished "I swear you should follow mama and Babas advice and also find a loving wife, see you fah I don't know wether you want to grow that they'll be running away once they sight you" she laughed at her imagination

"Fatima the day you'll piss Tass or Hammad off so bad that they'll chop your mouth with Nail cutter koh" I clicked my tongue and Hammad smirked

"Thanks for the tip" he winked at me and Fatima gasped "you wouldn't dare" she glared at us then did an imaginary hair flip

"I swear what Ummulkhair said is true wether it's cartoon or American bitches whichever one you're into" I groaned

"I swear bah it's so irritating" Hammad blew out a breath "when you were asking me for Asmaus number you didn't find me annoying and you, let me catch you Abii you're sleeping In my room" she pointed at me

"I have a room! She can sleep there" Hammad smirked and Fatima let out a loud humorless laugh which sound like something plankton will do, with  the help of a speaker obviously

"I live to see the next day!" She spoke after calming down

The drink woman coming back some minutes after, after about 20 minutes of eating we were finally done and it was time to go

"Mama will kill us, it's like 8:30 fah" Fatima laughed and I rolled my eyes "and you're laughing"

"Leave her, wawiya"

We got to the car and I remembered that I left me AirPods on the chair when I was hiding it from Fatima who was pestering me and said I was blocking them out and not joining the gist so I just put it behind me

I kept my phone and went back picking up the baby pink case, I wasn't a fan of pink but that's what Hammad and Usman got me for my birthday so I never really changed it

Walking to the car, these people really should add more lights on the walk way cause I tripped a bit due to the slight darkness, It was so dark I could almost not see my palms fah but it was bright enough for you to see your front

"En Mata?" I didn't turn to the deep voice I just continued walking faster cause I spotted the car and that's when fate decided to trip me again making me almost fall when a large rough hand grabbed my arm and spun me coming face to chest with a tall and buff guy

"How dare y..." I was cut off when he pressed a hanky on my nose and I kicked him, couldn't people see us, my eyes got hazy as every second that was heard as I squirmed and fought with every ounce of power I had

I silently prayed that they'll see I left for too long and come out, I punched and kicked but no avail, I even kicked him down there but I was too weak to do it hard

Feeling light-headed black dots started covering my vision as the guy carried me bridal-style with one last glance at Hammads black BMW I fell into a hazy world muttering

'Hazbunallahu wani'imal wakeen'


I was in a dark place with no one to hear my cries, I screamed but the sound just echoed into a far distance

The pain was unbearable from almost every part of my body especially around my thighs and my hands, my head also hurt

I cried into the darkness but no one was there, I prayed and prayed till I found myself slowly slipping out of that world till I was met with blinding light

Opening my eyes I looked around to the blank walls made of plain cement blocks, no paint or anything and so was the ground it looked like an uncompleted building but what bothered me the most was what I was in

Was it the pain or the wetness I was feeling, i mustered up the courage and raised my pounding head looking up at my wide-spread legs and the pool of blood I was laying in

I couldn't cry nor scream just fall back into the dark world I was recently in with one thought in mind

What every woman kept and treasured the most was taken away from me.....


I opened my eyes and immediately closed them due to the stinging light "She is awake"

I heard a familiar but far away voice, I slowly opened my eyes to be met with two pair of eyes staring at me

"Noor?, oh Allah are you alright?" Kareema hugged me, she's Ummulkhairs mum the small girl I met at capital hub

I just stared at her dumbly not uttering anything as I looked at the other girl then looked back at kareema

"We were driving when a couple of men stopped me and told me that they were labor men and they came early in the morning to work when they found you in their site" she explained

"This is Nafia, my cousin" I turned back to the girl who looked like she was about to cry, her pretty eyes covered by large round frames which fitted her a lot

"I told Farid to bring some food for you" Nafia spoke and I slightly nodded in appreciation and respect

I wanted to speak but most importantly I wanted to tell to scream to cry to yell and do anything which brought out a loud and painful voice in me but I just stayed numb and quiet holding the pain back, I could do it when I'm alone but not in the presence of anyone

I didn't feel like speaking and it felt like I won't ever with the guilt clawing at me, if only I told Fatima to escort me, if only I ran after that voice, if only I left those buds for my virginity could buy hundreds of those and there will still remaining change

If only wouldn't bring the past back , 'This is what Allah wrote for you, Be patient for the best will come out of it'

It was a far voice from my head but I still welcomed it closing my eyes to close the tears feeling them beneath my lashes as the warm liquid dissolved into my skin

Kareema passed me her phone to call anyone and I dialed Anty Faridas number knowing Maamas health issues since Abba left


Salam Alaikum fam, please don't judge for this is what happens to some of our sisters in the neighborhood and some don't have a voice to say it

It hasn't happened to me god forbid for me and you all and may God give the ones who don't have a choice a voice❤️

I'm writing this to express and show a bit of the world not hide it behind all the Wattpad fantasies on all the glitters and golds

Thank you for reading for we have just opened the main chapter of this book 🌹🙌🏻

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