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"I promise you even a goat can't eat this" I eyed the bowl of indomie and looked at my husband, I was having cramps and he insisted on cooking for me

The indomie was soggy and overcooked then it tasted bland like he didn't even put any spice, the only good thing on the plate was the egg he boiled

"I try my best and this is what you say" he rolled his eyes making a face and I burst out laughing, I couldn't even hold it "so....all th...these years you can't even cook simple indomie" i paused to laugh more "look at the nonsense you're making even if the cramps don't kill me your food will, even khair can cook better than this"

After a while I stopped giggling a bit, he ignored me as he used his phone "I'm going to cook something edible, do you want anything?" I asked

"Fuck off" he rolled his eyes and I shrugged as I picked the plate laughing quietly as I made my way to the kitchen

I made custard with very little amount of sugar and moved back to the parlor and Adnaan was sitting there using his laptop, I kept my bowl on the side table and moved his laptop then sat on his lap

"I'm working, please don't interrupt me" he muttered and gently moved me to the couch "I don't care you can do it later" I pouted and he sighed closing his eyes

"Are you vexing?" I asked cocking a brow and he his head, I narrowed my eyes at him then pecked his lips "if you are, then I'm sorry for laughing at your hard work and I'm sure you tried your best to cook for me and that's why I love you and also since tomorrow is Saturday I'm going to give you free cooking classes from after Isha to whenever we're done cooking"

He rolled his eyes "no I'm not learning how to cook, I didn't learn since it's now now I will learn, no thank you"

I rolled my eyes and reached for my bowl as I adjusted myself and snuggled into his side, watching After we Collided as he worked on his laptop


"Noor I'm going to leave you here fah, I've been waiting since" Adnaan scolded from the corridor making me roll my eyes "it's been just 5 minutes Adnaan stop whining, you're not a baby"

"Just to get ready for birthday again" he huffed appearing at the doorway, I ignored him putting on my hoop earrings and small diamond earrings on the other piercings

"You look really nice" he said placing a small kiss on my back helping me zip up the dress

Picking up Khairs gift bag and my bag, we left

"Naan! Princess Noor!" Khair screamed as she saw us, running to hug Adnaan and I "see my dress, mummy has letting me wear my princess tiana dress" she twirled as the green tutu flared up

"It's so pretty, you look beautiful" I gushed smoothing her baby hairs and she smiled her wide eyes sparkling

"That's what ayman told me" she blushed and Adnaans eyes narrowed making me chuckle "where is mummy?"

"She's with anty Nafia in the kitchen, my cake just arrived" she cheered clapping her hands as Adnaan picked her up leading the way

"Mummy see!" Khair cheered and pointed at us making all attention divert to us "MashaAllah Khadija" she beamed and hugged me

"I smell like food tho I've been in the kitchen all day making small chops" she said and turned to greet Adnaan

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