Chapter 37: Hard Case

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"He did what!" I exclaim, slamming a hand on the table. Some other students turn to look at me in the common room but I don't give a fuck right now.

My friend Clara nods, displeased at the news as well.

When my free period came around, I noticed oncoming whispers between my colleagues. People were gathered in groups, conversing over some event that happened this morning. When I found Clara to meet her for lunch, after another run-in with Mr. Holland, I asked what all the talk was about. I should've remained ignorant of the situation. That way my blood wouldn't be boiling and I wouldn't have the urge to strangle that damn Eliza more than I already want to.

Apparently this morning she came in a disgruntled mess. And my Louis, being the gentleman he is, took pity on her and escorted her personally to the nurses. Then, after wasting his valuable time there, leaves with the bitch too! At least thats what everyone's saying since he supposedly gathered their stuff and never returned.

Fucking Eliza. Shes doing this on purpose to get sympathy from Louis. Everyone knows he has a soft spot for women and to see someone in "distress" like that, he couldn't help himself. He didn't have to fucking leave with her though!

She is such the actress. Who the hell is that desperate to get someones attention. I would not even stoop that low. Show a little skin, yes, but feign victim? Its ludacris! I should have been there to steer my Lou in the right direction, but I don't have that bloody class until the period after. That was part of the deal and so far, I'm slacking.

Eliza must be playing really hard to keep in good favor with Louis. He still doesn't know about her little secret yet and is probably afraid she'll lose him if he does. I would leave her arse the second I knew and try to move on. They wont be able to be together; its physically impossible. But she'll have Gabriel to keep her company. The skank. Playing two boys at one time.

What do they see in her. Gabriel and Louis could easily snag any girl they wanted but they had to choose the bloody hard case from down the road. Yeah, she has a pretty face but thats it. From what I have collected in my little investigation, she was a little troll when younger; below a hermit.

I don't know what magic she used to make herself look presentable but it worked and now shes casting her spell on my Louis and I am not having it. Its time I started putting the plan in full motion. Its my only chance to protect whats mine. That, and because if I dont, I put myself in jeopardy as well.



I'm laying down in the same little bed I was in last time. It still holds the same comfort and posh linen it held before. I've never felt material so soft or maybe its just the people around that gives it the impression.

I would have preferred though, to lay back on the futon. The fond memory of Louis holding me close would be enough to wipe my worries away. I was hoping he would lay with me again but he hasn't come in the room since I dozed off earlier. I suppose he still thinks I'm sleeping and doesn't want to disturb me, or, just doesn't want his grandparents to get the wrong idea. I guess thats reasonable.

Sighing, I turn on my back, looking up at the patterned ceiling resembling fall.

My mind is still in a daze. The events from last night and this morning have rendered me confused and I cant think straight. Maybe its because I hit my head, or maybe the shock from it all. I really don't know anymore. Its tiring to even think about. I've never been this stressed in my life and thats saying a lot. I don't think my body could take any more of the 'unexpected' than it already has. It'll break me; then Lou would struggle to put me back together.

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