Chapter 12: Monkey Business

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It was her. The whole time it was her. I'd like to say that I'm shocked or disgusted by the news, but I'm strangely relieved and kind of already knew. After she told me, more and more of that night came reeling back; well just that moment. She was right, it was her and not Marilyn. I do remember Marilyn being there earlier and we argued. Then I remember a second girl coming out, Eliza, and we actually had a normal conversation for the first time in history. I still have the picture of her face smiling in my head and the ring of her laughter in my ears. We also started arguing too but unlike Marilyn, I didn't chase her away. I leant down and kissed her, holding her close...reluctant to let go.

It was a compulsive, totally out of line action that I cant explain even to myself. I keep trying to blame it on the alcohol, that I was blinded by intoxication and it meant nothing; but I cant. I cant convince myself that I accidentally or absent-mindedly kissed her. I made the conscience, yet still cloudedy, decision to bend down and place my lips on hers.

What the hell was going on with me? Since when do I forcefully take girls by the face and kiss them? I've never done something that like before. As hard as it is to believe, I've never kissed anyone without asking them first. My mum did raise me to be somewhat of a gentleman.

So was that why she was avoiding me all that time, because I kissed her? Was I bad, too forward, or did she secretly like it too..?

I want to know why she kept it to herself for so long and what else she could be hiding. I don't remember much of the events that occurred before or after that; was she with me at other times too? She couldn't have been since she was occupied with someone else. That damn mop head. But then why had she come to me on the balcony in the first place? Was it really just to get some air or could that have been an excuse to stand with me. I knew if she came, she would isolate herself at some point since she doesn't like crowds. But the house was huge, there were tons of hiding places to choose from, yet she walked into mine.

"What're smilin' at your crotch for Lou? Should we be concerned?" Ryan teases from the front seat.

"Maybe he got a handy from one of the trainers." Wesley winks at me through the rear-view mirror. "Who was it, the blonde?"

"You're both idiots." I groan. "I wasn't smiling at ma crotch and I didn't receive any handies." I'm still trying to deal with the kiss, I don't know if I could handle that one.

"Well what did happen in the tent? You were mute for longest time." Wesley asks.

"Maybe because I was worn out from the work out from hell." I can still hardly feel my legs. I wish I could've brought that heating pad with me.

"C'mon you can tell us. It'll just be us three to know." He whines.

"Even if there was somethin', which there isn't," I emphasize, "theres no way in hell I'd tell you."

"Don't tell me you're still sour over me telling the lads about your hookup with-"

"Don't even say it!"

"I thought we made up already Louis. I said I was sorry." He chuckles. "You want me to make you crumpets, drizzle some chocolate on it just how you like?"

"Just take me home ya arse." I grumble. "You got it Lou." He solutes and slams on the pedal.

Wesley pulls up to my house and slowly but surely, I work my way out of the car. "Take care Lou!" They wave as he drives off. As soon as I get inside, I'm going to fall out on the nearest cushion and sleep. I don't care if I miss dinner, all I want is to lay down. I'm exhausted, mentally and physically. I've had more than enough excitement today and just want to reward myself by going to bed.

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