Chapter 9: Party- pt. 1

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My mum sits me down at the table, nearly pulling my arm off in the process. Lily squeezes her way onto my mums lap while Leah comes on mine. My dads over by the stove, taking off a freshly made kettle of tea while whistling an old tune like he usually did around the house.

"Alright, c'mon now." My mum urges, "what'd she say?"

I should've known the first thing my mum would want to know was Eliza's response other than whether or not I made the footy team; which I did. Maybe it was just a given, but I doubt that.

All their eyes, besides my dads, who could care less about the situation, is on me. I don't get why this is so important anyway, but I guess I better give her what she wants before she strangles it out of me.

Should I tell what fully happened though?

~Earlier At Eliza's

After some time of coaxing, I look up at Eliza and say the awful words.

"Eliza, do you want to go to the party with me?" Ugh, it tastes sour coming out, but I don't let it show. I'm too preoccupied with the surprised look on Eliza's face; her mouth gaped open and eyes wide. Was it that shocking?

I know its a shocker, for me as well because I was forced to do this, but I was expecting to be shot down immediately, not left here staring at Eliza, waiting for her to answer. Cant she just say no and I continue on with my day?

"Are you.." She cant even finish her sentence. She trails off and is once again left speechless. Maybe I should say something?

"You don't have to go." I prefer you not to actually. "I was just ridin' down here and thought I'd ask." I shrug. This couldn't be farther from the truth, but my mum would kill me if she found out that I spilled the beans on our little deal. And trust me, she will find out. I don't know how, but she will, so I play it safe.

She squints a little, still trying to figure out what to say. Is she really this conflicted over a simple question? Its just yes or no, a thumbs up or thumbs down; either one will do for me.

"I.. Um." She starts fidgeting with the end of her jacket. I can see her cheeks are starting to redden like they did that one day in class and she can no longer look directly at me. I'm making her nervous?

I shift over to the other side of my heel, leaning closer to the door. "Whats the matter with you?"

"N-nothing." She stammers.

"You're stuttering again."

"Am not."

"Are too." I counter. "I'm not making you nervous by chance, am I?" I step a little closer to test the waters and she retreats back some. "Looks like I am."

This is the second time Eliza's gone all weird on me. And not the disgusting weird where she latches onto me, but the shy weird when she gets all quiet and doe eyed on me. Why's she acting like this?


She closes her eyes. "Eliza?" I call again. She keeps her eyes closed but lifts her head, letting them open to look back at me.

I've never been this close to Eliza; we're just a few inches apart. I can see the outline of her face better. Shes not wearing powder and all that crap on her eyes like she does at school, but she still looks well-kept. Her skin looks just as flawless as it did with it on; her full lashes frame her eyes much better, letting me see just how brown her eyes are without all the distraction of the different colors she pats on her lids. They aren't exotic like Rosaria's but still elegant in their own way. I must say, this look isn't so bad on her. Its simple, natural, like she was at my house.

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