Chapter 29: Forgiveness

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"Lou Lou, can you pass me a blue?" Lily asks. I handed her the crayon and she went back to coloring.

"Lou Lou, can you give me a green?" Leah asked, and I hand her one just the same.

They were drawing portraits of each other while I aimlessly stared at the wall. My mum had to buy some groceries so I was left watching them alone. I was glad that my mum was in a rush. She still has to have the inevitable talk with me about yesterday. Todays not the day.

"Lou," Lily calls, tugging on my shirt. "Does this look good?"

"Looks great.." I mumble against my hand.

"What about mine?" Leah frowns, holding up hers. Its looks more like a blob than her sister. But I cant make out the small lines of a smiley face and twists that I assume is hair. It was a good attempt on her part.

"Looks good kid." I tell her and her face instantly perks up. I smile in return and help them finish coloring. Its hard to stay in a funk when they're around.

"Lou, are you sad?" Leah whispers, well tries to.

"No, why?" I ask the bright-eyed child.

"You've got sad eyes." She says. "You usually have a happy ones but, but they haven't been happy." She tells me, running her little hand on my face.

"I'm sorry." I say, and kiss the little hand. "I'll try to do better, yeah?"

"Okay." She beams and pushes her way on my lap. I forget sometimes that they're getting to that age where they know something's wrong. They're not totally trapped in their own world and are aware of more than what they let on. I need to put on a brave face for them. They are my happiness and I'd never want to see them worry because of me.

"Did mummy leave a sticky?" Lily asks. "I'm hungry."

"I'll check." I sit Leah back in her previous chair and check the counters for any little notes lying about. I find a bright yellow one on the fridge and pick it up, reading its contents.

If the girls get hungry get them yogurt in the fridge. I plan on cooking tonight so don't give them any big meals. ONLY small snacks.


Foods taken care of.

"Good thinkin' munchkin." I say, waving the letter. "Mums solution to your problem is.. Yogurt!" I cheer, sitting the cup in front of her.

She gets really giddy, ripping the lid off and squeezing the substance in her mouth. "Slow down, or you'll drown in it." I tease, taking the cup from her.

"No, gimme back Lou!" She whines. "Not until you wipe your mouth." I tell her, holding the cup far out of her reach.

Like the clever girl she is, she takes her sleeves and wipes her mouth there, smearing it all over her clothes. Leah laughs at her desperate sister and I join in on the laughter. It feels like forever since I've really laughed but these two always manage to work one out even on the most dreariest days.

"Quiet, Leah!" Lily exclaims, swiping her messy arm on Leah's picture. When Leah's horrified eyes look up at her sisters, she simply smirks and sticks her tongue out. Leah is the next one to cry out, more of a shriek really, as she consoles the damaged drawing.

"Not so funnies now, is it."

"Lily, cut it out." I try to scold her, barely stifling the laugh begging to come out. They are a show themselves. "That wasn't nice at'tall. Say your sorry."

"No." She says stubbornly, crossing her arms. "She laughed me Louis."

"She has a point kiddo."

"Well she ruined my picture!" Leah retorts.

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