Chapter 21: Another Test

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We finally arrive to the old cottage style house that belongs to my grandparents. On the way here, the girls, who were already on the brink of sleep, passed out on the way. When I turn around to wake them, I accidentally graze Eliza's arm. She was about to do the same.

She redirects her hand to other side away from mine and gently shakes Lily's knee. "We're here," she says softly. "Time to wake up."

She catches me staring and nods her head over to Leah, gesturing for me to take care of her. Its not like I meant to stare at her.. I was just.. Ugh, damn Eliza. Why'd she'd have to come along.

"Leah." I whisper. My tone is a little rough since I'm flustered but I still manage to get her eyes to open in a calm manner.

As soon as I get inside, I'm handing the girls- and Eliza, over to my grandmother then disappearing into the garden. I need time to myself to think. I'm frustrated all over again and thoroughly annoyed. I don't want Eliza to know shes still plaguing my mind and jumbling my thoughts as she always had. It was already hard trying to keep my composure around her; and when she brought up meeting Gabriel's mum, it blew out all the progress I had made and summoned the little green monster inside me.

We don't wait long at the door. My nan is quick to answer and pulls me down for a loving embrace, pecking my cheek. "Theres my boo bear!" She gushes. "And my li'lle dopple-gangers!" She says and wraps her arms around Lily and Leah.

Shes about to welcomes us in but pauses when her eyes land on Eliza. "Mind me if I'm mistaken but, you aren't one of my grandchildren too, are ya?" My nan asks skeptically. "If so, your mum has some explainin' to do."

"No, I'm not related to her." Eliza answers, giggling to herself.

"Are you that over-stuffed pig's offspring?" She questions. That ones a little harsh. He helped bring me and my sisters into the world, so shes indirectly calling us pigs. I thought we were suppose to be her favorite grandchildren.

"No." I answer for Eliza this time. "Shes um.."

Lets see.. A traitor? Runaway? Deceiver? Liar? Two-Faced bitch? Damn, all of them fit so perfectly.

"I'm a friend of Louis'." She tells my nan instead. "We have classes together."

"Oh," she exaggerates. "I see." Her eyes flicker between me and Eliza and I know that my plan of escaping into the back is foiled. My nan will surely pull me aside and interrogate me as soon as I'm left alone with her.

"Well come in, come in. I just made some fritters, and they're still warm from the oven." She smiles.

Eliza thanks her kindly and is pulled in by the girls as they grab her hands, skipping to the kitchen to eat the sweets.

When I'm the only one left, she gives me the look and motions for me to follow her. Theres no point in resisting so I follow her through the house, leading out to the back porch by the garden. So I made it here; just not alone as I'd hoped.

She takes a seat in my grandfathers rocking chair and I take the one across from her.

"Can I at least get some tea first?" I ask defeatedly. "Its been a long day."

She nods graciously and leaves me to myself as she puts on a new kettle. I use this time to just calm my nerves and rest my head. I'm totally and utterly exhausted right now. I had a rough practice today and this run-in with Eliza is draining the small amount of sanity I have left.

Why'd she have to come to my house of all places? One witch was already going to be there, then it doubled. And who was she running from? I'm not one to discredit peoples problems but if they were looking for her, they probably wanted her to return with them. And thats good, right?

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