Chapter 20: Unexpected Guest

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The next few days go by in a blur. Wake up, school, footy, home, sleep; and then repeat. One thing that has stuck with me is what Rosaria said about Marilyn. I find myself thinking about her more often than I should. Not at an unhealthy rate, just here and there when I see a fake blonde or a street walker pass my way.

Sweet. What makes Marilyn so sweet? She cant be using the same trick she did with Eliza because she was able to see through her facade. What is she trying to do now?

Shes also been acting strange.

I've began to take notice of some changes. She was much more attentive in my class, and took the time to actually button her blouses. When I walked past her in the halls, she didn't wink at me like in the past or flag me down, but diverted her eyes someplace else. It was like she was too ashamed to look at me.

Even Shelton and Siegel, also in my class, noticed the odd behavior too. She wasn't begging for my attention but strayed from it. Marilyn went her way and let me go mine.

Could Rosaria be a good influence on her? Nah, female companionship isn't strong enough to alter Rossie's style. A male perhaps?

Had she finally given up on me and found someone new? I cant imagine her settling into a serious relationship with our fellow peers; we're a rough bunch and shes messed with over half of them already. But if so, good for her.

Maybe he'll be able to knock some sense into her, not physically, and set the girl straight. She needs a man who can put her in line. I think she needs the discipline since she doesn't get it at home. Her mum was a train wreck, worse than her daughter. Thats probably why Arnie's dad latched onto her with a ring.

Then again, I cant help but feel like thats another loss on my part. I got into a relationship with her, and she cheated on me. She meets this new guy, suddenly she knows how to cover up and shies away from other men.

I'm glad to be rid of her but in the back in my mind, this doesn't sit well with me. Its just too big of a change in such little time.

I hear little feet stomping through the house, a clacking sound trailing behind them. I assume its the twins by the cackling and senseless screaming. The right decision would be to drag myself out of bed, see whats going on. If my mum hasn't scolded them yet, shes probably unaware of the havoc they're causing. However, my bed is unnaturally soft and my duvet has wrapped me in its blanketed arms, making it impossible to leave.

Its not like chaos is foreign to this house anyway.

"Louis, Louis!" My mum yells frantically around the house. "Where are ya, ya lazy bum! Get out 'ere!"

And somehow I find the strength to get up.

I stagger out of my room, sliding a jumper on as I find my mum going hysterical in the kitchen. Shes pulling out several pots and pans, sitting different vegetables on the countertops, and mumbling various curse words. Thank goodness the girls aren't here.

"You summoned me?"

"Oh goodness, Lou! Its about time ya got up." She exclaims stressfully, partially relieved. "I need you to help me with dinner."

"Don't tell me the Lamptons are comin' over again.." I don't think I could survive another dinner with the Lamptons and one Gardley; especially now.

"Oh hel- heavens no." She catches herself, checking her surroundings. "Besides Eliza, they're both bonkers. She was lucky to come out normal."

Not the word I would use to describe her.

"But thats besides the point. I just got off the phone with Darla and shes comin' over."

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