Chapter 2: Change

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I kept trying to convince myself it was all a dream. That I was still waiting for my militant father to awaken me by means of yelling, cold water, or a good smack to the face. I pinched myself several times and asked my friends to do the same. I asked if they saw her too, if she was real or a figment of my imagination. But she wasnt; she was real.

I tried to concentrate on the review problems Ms. Eckerman was going over but her presence was overwhelming. I found it hard to even sit still anymore after awhile. So much was building up inside me and I needed an outlet, some sort of way to relieve all the growing tension. I tapped my pencil agaisnt multiple surfaces, played tic tac toe with myself, bounced my leg profusely, and even tried to perfect my man doodle.

I check the time and its only 9:43. I still had over an hour of agony left. My friends kept trying to engage me in conversation and get me to join in on their little jokes, but I was too occupied with thinking of ways to get rid of Eliza as soon as possible.

"Louis, come off it mate. Whatever ties you have to the girl, let it be." I give my friend Daniel the cold shoulder. He doesn't understand. I don't have any ties to her; I just cant stand the sight of her. Its that simple.

What was even more irritating was that every guy in the room couldn't keep their eyes off her. I watched as many hungry eyes raked over her, taking her all in. It was disgusting, didn't they know who she was? Was I really the only damn person who remembered how terrible she was? She didn't even talk to anyone so thats probably why. The only thing she found interest in was screwing with me.

A girl infront of me pulls me out of my internal rant, getting my attention. "Here." She whispers, slipping a note on my desk. "Its from Elly." She says shyly and returns to her work.

Are you serious... This isn't primary school; we don't pass notes anymore. I'm in year 11 for goodness sake, not 5.

I try to send my hate towards her but its only countered with a crooked smile and the wink of an eye. I hate how cocky she is. She knows what shes doing and shes just congratulating herself on the inside.


"I think she likes you man," Ryan pokes me in the back. "She even took the time to write you a love letter, how sweet." He coos teasingly.

"Shut it." The last thing I want to hear is Eliza, love, and me in a sentence. I reluctantly open the letter after much coaxing and partly bribing from the lads. They were more eager to see what she had written than I was; which was kind of peculiar but thats what you deal with when you're friends with idiots.

'Dear Tommo,

We've got some catching up to do. Meet me after school by the front gate.


I crumble up the letter, ripping it to shreds. Shes just evil- an evil twat trying to get under my skin. And calling me Tommo? What the hell, she knows I hate that. That bloody nickname she gave me years ago hasn't been spoken since she left. Now she has the opportunity to taunt me with it once again.

"Must've been some letter." Someone murmurs behind me. "You owe me two pounds." Another says.

I finally snap. "Do you not realize who that bloody girl is?" I turn abruptly, keeping my voice low enough not to draw attention, but to keep theirs.

"Apparently, Elly?" I cut my eyes from Kevin and his smartass comment. Prick.

"Think back to primary school," I begin. "Short, dainty girl. Matted brown hair with food always smeared somewhere on her. Oversized sweater and wore trousers instead of skirts."

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