Chapter 13: Day by Day

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Give him time, he said. He'll come around, he said. Bull shit. I've been giving Louis nothing but my fucking time and I'm growing impatient. How much more do I have to give until he accepts me back. He's been nothing but disrespectful and flagrantly disregards my feelings for him like its a joke; like I'm just some bloody joke. I may not have the purest past or the cleanest reputation but I am human, not some pet you can idly ignore. He was so different when we dated, never like this. The only reason we broke up is because some stupid rumor spread around that I was sleeping around behind his back. And because of my reputation, he believed it. Our relationship has been downhill ever since.

Louis was the only guy I really cared about and wasn't an arse that just hit me up for sex. That doesn't mean we didn't shag or try some things; I wouldn't be able to stand that. But there was more to it. He actually talked to me and took me out. It was nice.

I want that back and I've been trying to win him over since he broke things off with me. I haven't entirely been celibate- a girl has her needs- but thats all they were, hookups. But of course, more rumors spread and word got out and that just pushes him away more.

I thought I had a chance of talking to him at the party but once again he just shut me out. I meant what I said. I am the only one who is willing to put up with him. Louis's no saint either. He comes with a package of problems all his own. But he didn't listen to me.

When he approached me the other day regarding our "kiss", I was shocked. I knew it wasn't me but the fact he thought it was threw me. Did he want it to be me? He obviously didn't remember but I was the first person he thought of. So of course I jumped on the bandwagon; a little white lie never hurt anyone.

But that girl. That damn bitch had to rat me out. I knew something was up when she got all tense when the kiss was brought up. And when I said it was me, she nearly jumped from her seat. She might've hid it from Louis- guys are too naive to recognize the signs -but I did. What does it matter to her if we kissed or not? She has Gabriel, she doesn't need Louis too.

I'm not as dense as I seem, I know she has something for him. And by the way Louis turned his back on me when she told him about me, proves that the feeling may be mutual. I've tested this before, writing the fake note to see if he'd come to her. When he didn't, I no longer saw her as competition or an obstacle. I was wrong. That mangy dog had a hidden agenda. I don't entirely know what it consists of, but I will find out.

And another thing that irks me about Eliza; how'd the hell she know it wasn't me?

"You alright Marilyn? You look ready to kill." My friend Clara jokes. Shes one of my closest friends with a similar reputation to mine; shes like my sister. "Who's the bitch?"

"Eliza Gardley." I growl, narrowing my eyes at the image of her in my head.

"The new girl you talk to?" She asks bemused. "I thought you were keepin' an eye on her?"

"Shes sneakier than I thought." I tap my fingers on the wooden table.

"Good thing shes not here. She'd be dead." Clara chuckles, biting into a crisp apple.

"Damn right." I agree, smiling evilly.

Since Eliza's one of the trainers now, she can no longer stay and hang out after school in the common room as usual. She has to report to the nurses office to change and help bring all the supplies outside. Serves her right. I hope they have her carrying the heaviest shit out there.

"So what'd she do?" Clara asks, blinking her green eyes.

I explain to her the whole misunderstanding yesterday and how it brought the opportunity of my second chance with Louis, then was snatched away when Eliza had to go and ruin it.

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