Chapter 19: Strike

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"G'night girls." I say, closing the door to the twins' room. "Night mum!" I holler to her from the hallway and enter my room. Tugging off my socks, I toss them to the side as I stretch out across my bed. I'm exhausted. With the combination of school work, footy, and just maintaining my life, I'm worn out.

I turn on my side to get more comfortable, only to accidentally knock over some leftover clothes on my bed. I'm not one to complain about messy rooms but I do like to at least see my floor. Leaning over the edge, I pick up some of the scattered apparel, pausing when a certain item comes into view. The red beanie. The same hat Eliza wore when I brought her home that one night, over a month or so ago now.

Ever since I came to the conclusion that I liked Eliza, I've declared a strike. I was back to avoiding her like the plague and acting like she never existed. It was hard sometimes; she was in two of my classes on the alternate days and working the football team, but I managed. I got myself so involved in work and training that I didn't have to time to think about her. That doesn't mean she didn't sneak her way into my thoughts from time to time, but I did my best to ignore it.

Cutting my self off from Eliza left a part of me feeling hollow. I never knew how used I was to always fighting with her or having something snarky to say. I never realized the excitement it added to my day until it was officially cut off. I still carried on but it wasn't the same. Playful arguments with the guys didn't provide the same satisfaction as the quarrels I'd had with Eliza. We'd argue about the stupidest things and just pick at each other for now reason, just to get a rise out of the other. As much as it irritated me, a piece of me was also entertained.

I wonder if she misses those times too; if in the late hours of the night, I cross her mind even for a second. I was never sure of what Eliza felt or what she was thinking. She was so cold and showed no real emotion; at least when it really mattered. I wish I was able to read her the same way she reads me. She probably knew my feelings before I did; yet I don't know if a sliver of her ever felt anything for me.

Its not like she rejected me whenever we had those tender moments. She could've pushed me away but never did. Eliza let me lead her without question. Thats got to mean something, right?

I'm the one talking rubbish now; why am I even having these thoughts. We couldn't be together, not after everything' thats happened in the past and all the crap I've said since shes arrived. None of the lads would take me seriously after that. Well, maybe Robbie and Ryan. I would say Wesley too but I don't know anymore.

We've been growing apart lately and don't talk as much as we used to. I miss my friend, and I wish I could tell him that. But when I look at him, I think of her. I still say hello and we drive to school together each morning, but our relationship just isn't the same. Nothing is after that day.


"I'm off!" I call behind me, opening the front door.

"Bye Lou Lou!" They twins says back. "G'bye Louis!" My mum yells in the background. I close the door behind me, tightening the scarf around my neck from the chilly morning air. Since its November, the temperature's been trickling down and my mum demands I wear some sort of protection. I also have mitts on and a pair of boots versus my usual trainers.

Its quiet this morning in the car. We're all sipping on cocoa prepared for us by Ryan's mum so it takes away from conversation. Time seems to fly by and before I know it, we're at school.

Ryan and I part ways from Wesley, heading to our first period, Mathematcis. I greet the usual crowd, give the occasional wink, and make small talk as my friends gather around to form a small posse in the hall.

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