Chapter 56: Gone

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"Shes gone.."

I feel the nurse move behind me to take a look inside as well. I grab ahold of her shoulder, turning her to face me.

"Where is she?"

"Well, I guess she-"

"No guessing." I snap. "Where the hell is she!" I demand.

The nurse's eyes go from helpful to frightful when my voice starts escalating and spitting swear words. I storm around the room, looking for any trace of her; any little clue that might tell me where shes gone. Unfortunately, the room is spotless and nothing was left behind. It was like she was never here to begin with.

"Where did you all take 'er!"

"Alright, calm down now."

"Don't tell me to bloody calm down!" I throw my arm across the counter next to me, knocking over the soaps and sanitizer. "Just tell me where she is, now." I huff.

She continues to try to control the situation, giving me these petty promises of how she'll go see where she is and figure this out. I let out a crude laugh at her expense. I don't need her help. I just want to talk to Eliza; and I will find her even if I have to tear this shit hole apart.

I rip past her and go barreling down the halls in search for her. Calling out Eliza's name, I check every room I pass and listen out for any response. So far I'm just getting a lot of worried looks from surrounding patients and faculty. A few of them whisper to each other and nod their heads. I bet they're plotting against me now and I don't have much time.

I'm proven right when two security guards come into view and shout at me to stop. I ignore them and run in the opposite direction.

"Eliza!" I yell about. "Eliza, where the hell are you!" I say desperately. These brutes are right on my tail and I still have no clue where to start looking. I spot an elevator up ahead filling with people and hop in last minute. Jabbing the "close-door" button, I curse to myself as I wish for the bloody doors to move faster. I had a good head start since I'm in shape; unlike the officers who carry a spare tire around their waists.

I sigh a small breath of relief when it finally closes. I move to the back of the elevator and rest my back against the wall, trying to catch my breath. I toss the flowers to the side, along with the chocolates. The poor lilies were swung around and now look like decrepit daisies. As for the chocolates, the lid slipped off as I got into the elevator; half the box is gone. I imagine Eliza wouldn't have liked it anyway. She'd probably feel embarrassed about me making such a gesture.

I throw my fist into the metal. This was supposed to go so much different. Eliza was supposed to be laying in that bed when I got there and taken by the fact that I arrived at all. It was then that I would rush to her side and immediately ask her forgiveness for being so cruel and confess my feelings once again so she'd know they haven't changed; even with the whole Gabriel and London situation. I'd tell her how much I missed her this past week and how shitty life would be without her presence. Eliza would then curl her hand around mine and assure me she felt the same and we'd share a passionate embrace. But none of that can happen if I cant find her in bloody place!

The door beeps on a random floor and I hold my breath, expecting a security guard to come and arrest me. Thankfully the only people waiting on the other side is an old lady in a wheelchair and her aid. I nod at them politely and scurry away.

I haven't a clue where I am but the hallways are nearly scarce; its like a ghost town down here. Every corner I turn is eerily quiet and the feel of loneliness surrounds me as I continue to walk down the long aisles by myself. I need to find a desk or something. Anywhere I could get information would be lovely; except I'm pretty sure I'm lost.

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