Chapter 18

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I saw the trial, I know how long he's going away for, with no possible bail, or possible parole. Between his record, what he did to Sly and I, and what he did to Aleks, Jordan's being put away for 10-25 years.

That's not enough for Chilled through, he wants to move me far, far away from California, where not only is my traumatic experience was, but Jordan's in a prison here.

So I moved with him to New York, we lived with his parents for a week which was, fun, and once we found a place, we settled down in a nice apartment in Geneva, New York.

I like the apartment, it's in a nice part of the city, not far from downtown so we can go out whenever we want, but it's nice and quiet. It's a plus that our neighbors all have jobs during the day, so we can record without worrying about our voice level during the day.

I went back to school, but I didn't take too many classes. Chilled doesn't like me away from him for too long, so I'm taking classes from 8am to noon, then I'm home for the day to be with him.

We put our wedding on hold for this year, it's been stressful and it's already June and I don't want to stress over the wedding this year. And Chilled doesn't want me stressing ever again, so it works out.

This year, it's been a hell of a ride, but I know it'll get better for us. We've in a new city, all the way away from Jordan who won't be getting out for ten years at minimal, so I don't think I'll have to worry for a while.

By the time Jordan gets out, Chilled and I would be happy somewhere, away from him, somewhere where he can't find us. Life, starting right now, is going to be getting better.

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