Chapter 8

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I take deep breaths, walking into the room that James said he was doing a meet up in. That meet up is almost done, so I just need to stand around until I can pull him away from the crowd.

I'm not calling Sly, I need to do this on my own. He'll probably be mad at me later, but I need to do this, for my own mental needs. This man still gives me nightmares, and I'm going to confront him, not only on Jordan, but on a year ago.

"Alright guys, I'm done, I have things I have to do." James says, earning disappointing awes from fans. "Sorry guys, I have a lot of stuff I need to do."

"Including a lot to talk about." I say, walking up to him so no one can hear up. "A word, Nova." I whisper.

"What the fuck do you want?" He mutters, "You made your choice a year ago."

"This isn't about me right now." I mutter, "Something happened, and you get to talk about what you know."

"Yea? And why would I talk to you?" He asks.

"Because, if you don't cooperate and come with me, to a less crowded area, I will not hesitate yelling at you about something I'm sure you don't want your fans to hear." I threaten quietly, "You were already in jail for thirty days, I'm sure you don't want to lose any more fans or money for me yelling at you about this."

He glares at me, "Fine, you have ten minutes." He mutters, walking away from me, back into a room.

I follow behind him, ignoring the fans chants of us hooking back up. I'll never leave Sly for this asshole, he's hurt me too much, but now, it's my turn to hurt him.

"Now what the fuck do you want?" He asks, "Haven't you ruined my life enough?"

"Me? Ruin your life?" I ask, "If I recall correctly you're the one who violently fucked me before I left. You're the one who decided to beat me during sex to leave more marks on me. YOU'RE THE ONE WHO MADE ME SCARED TO EVEN TOUCHED SLY!"

"Oh, boohoo, you can't have sex with Aleks' old sex toy." He says, "Is the only reason you came up to me to yell at me about this? Because I don't give two shits about your feeeeelliiingss."

I glare at him, grabbing his shirt and slamming him against the wall. "You listen to me good Wilson, because over this year, I've built some muscle, I'm strong now, and I can fight back."

He glares at me, "What, the fuck, do you need?" He asks.

"Answers," I say, slamming him against the wall again, "When was the last time you saw or talked to Jordan?"

"Hordan? I haven't seen him since I was put in jail." He says, "I haven't talked to him, looked him up, nothing. I don't care about anyone from that shitty group until you decided to be a 'big man' and come stand up to me. Now, are we done?"

"No, far from it." I say, "Did Jordan ever speak of having a secret home, or something in California where he can go?"

"Like I'd tell you." He laughs, "I may have not talked to the asshole, but I'm not spilling his secrets."

"Ze's missing, James. Jordan has him, and if you don't help us find Ze, then when the cops are called, I might just let it slip that you knew something, but wouldn't say anything, and that would make you an accessory to it, and you'll get your ass back in jail longer than 30 days."

He glares at me, "You wouldn't." He says.

"I would, I'm not scared of you James." I say, "And, if you don't help, and tell me what I need to know, I might let a few of your secrets slip."

"Me? Secrets, that's funny Seamus." He says, "Nothing you can say will ruin me."

"Oh really?" I ask, "The fans just know you're in jail for helping Jordan, they don't know what you actually did."

"Okay, and?" He asks.

"And, imagine their surprised when I upload a video of me crying, about what you did to me." I say, "Every time you beat me, every time you forcefully raped me when I told you I wasn't in the mood. Every fucking time you abused me when I wouldn't do something right hat second.

"Imagine how they'll act when they find out why I've been scared to show my since for a year, because I looked like someone used me as a punching bag, because someone did. You."

He glares at me, "I will not hesitate punching your face in now." He says.

"Go ahead, hit me, give me a bruise to show everyone you haven't changed."

He growls, "Fine," He mutters, "He has a townhouse around here, I don't know where, he just said he had a townhouse he liked to escape to. When he first told me, three years ago, he was still getting modifies on it."

"Like what?" I ask.

"Sound proofing for his gaming so he can scream his head off and no one will call the cops." He says, "If he took Ze, he probably took him there, because no one can hear Ze scream."

I look in his eyes, looking to see if he's lying, but all I see is hate. I let him drop to the floor, "We're done here."

"Oh thank god, my ex-boyfriend's letting me go." He says.

"I was never your boyfriend." I say, "If you were really my boyfriend, you wouldn't have treated me like a punching bag."

"You don't know my reasons." He says.

"Then tell me your reasons." I say, "Tell me James, why were you beating me? Why did you treat me like your sex slave and slave in general?"

"I would love to but, I'm running late." He says, going to leave.

"Fine, be an asshole!" I yell, "But I swear to god James if you're involved in any way, I will beat you myself."

"Yea, right, keep telling yourself that." He says, slamming the door shut.

I take deep breaths to calm down before pulling my phone out to call Sly. "Seamus, thank God. I thought something happened." Sly panics, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I say, "James knew something, I'm coming back to you. Where are you and Chilled?"

"We're by the Kingdom Hearts booth, Chilled brought me here to calm me down." Sly says.

"Alright." I say, hanging up and heading there. I never want to talk to James again, because now I'm left with more questions than before. Why did he beat me?

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