Chapter 11

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"Aleks, why are you here?" I ask, "How did you find my hotel room?"

He sighs, "I just, saw you walk in from down the hall." He says, "Can we talk?"

"I, I guess. But why are you here?" I ask.

He sighs and walks in, "I heard about Steven." He says, "I didn't know Jordan was out."

"How'd you hear about it?" Seamus asks.

"James is bitching." Aleks mutters. "He's saying Seamus harassed him."

"Damn right I did." Seamus says, "Fucking asshole."

"Well, why are you here?" I ask.

"I, I need to tell you, what happened." Aleks says, "Why the ship thing started, why Jordan started being a cunt."

"What happened?" I ask.

Aleks takes a deep breath, looking down, "I went to Jordan and I, I told him I had a crush on you." He whispers, "I told him that I wanted to tell you, but I was scared, so he said he'd handle it. But I couldn't tell anyone and he, he did that. He made you all break up with your girlfriends, and made ImmortalFox real, and he made Jeamus real to cover for it." He starts shaking and tears start streaming down his face. "I didn't know he was, going to become this monster. If I would have just told you, none of this would have happened. Sly I'm, I'm sorry."

I pull him into a hug, "Shh, it's okay." I whisper, "It's not your fault. I promise you, it's not your fault."

"It is." Aleks cries, "I should have told you, not him. If I would have told him, none of this would of happened."

"Shh, stop," I whisper, rocking him, "Relax Aleks, I'm not mad at you. I don't hate you, I promise, none of this is your fault."

"But, now Ze's gone." He whispers, "And I feel that it's my fault, because I created this monster."

"You didn't create it, the monster was always there." Seamus says, "Come on Aleks, come tell us what you know, so you can help us find Ze."

"I don't, know much." Aleks whispers, "I just know that, Jordan took me there once and, it wasn't exactly fun."

"What happened Aleks?" I ask, sitting us down.

"W-Well he, asked if I wanted to go on a road trip, just us. Which I of course said yes because I'm a, was a, mega fan boy of his. If I'm being honest, I had a crush on him too. But he took me to his townhouse, which was beautiful, I loved it. But he didn't just, take me there to show me the place."

"Aleks, what happened?" I ask softly.

"He, took me downstairs to his, gaming room, and he said that, this is a gamer's dream because, no one can hear you scream." He says, "He asked me if I wanted to test it out, so I did, I screamed, and there wasn't even an echo. But he said, I didn't, scream loud enough so he..."

"He what?" Chilled asks, looking up at him.

"He, started touching me, inappropriately, and when I pushed him away he tied me down and, did it even more." Aleks says, sobbing into my shirt, "He molested me Sly, he said if I ever told anyone, he'd hurt me."

"That bastard." I say, holding him close to me. "Don't worry Aleks, once we get him, he'll be back in jail, and this that you just told us, that can get him in jail longer."

"Aleks, do you think he'll do it again?" Chilled asks.

Aleks nods, "He said that if I slacked with work, he'll do it again to me." he says, "I honestly believe, he won't hesitate to do it to someone else."

"That's it, we're finding him." Chilled says, "If he touched my Steven."

"We'll let the police handle it." Seamus says, "No one's going to get in any worse trouble than him. We will figure out all we can, and then tell the police."

Chilled growls slightly, but goes back to the computer. I just hold Aleks close while he's crying in my shirt. That's it Jordan, you're done. Because once we find you, you'll not be getting out of jail in a year and a half. You're done.

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