Chapter 10

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The three of us are sitting in Seamus and I's room. Chilled tried to go to his hotel room, but he can't, because he starts crying since Ze's not there.

"So, James said there's a place around here Jordan had for his own getaway three years ago?" I ask.

"Yep, he even said he was getting it sound proofed." Seamus says, "I don't think he's lying, I can tell when he's lying."

"Then, we need to find that place." Chilled says, "We need to find my baby."

"We'll find him, but we need to figure out where that place is first." Seamus says.

"Is that all James knew?" I ask.

Seamus sighs, "About Jordan, yes but, he gave me more questions that won't have answers."

"What is it?" I ask, sitting next to him.

"He, he said that he had a reason, for beating me during our 'relationship.'" Seamus says, "But he won't tell me. I just, I want answers Sly, I want to know why that happened, why he hurt me so much without having a bit of remorse."

I sigh, hugging him tight, "We'll figure that out next, but right now we need to get Ze back." I say, "Try not to think about it too much. Let's focus on one thing at a time."

He nods, giving me a soft kiss. "Now, James said that it's been three years, and there was construction going on in that house, for the sound proofing, so there's probably records of it."

"Then let's find the records." Chilled says, "We should be able to find the company that did the construction. Then we can find the blue prints."

"I don't know if it's that easy but, if you want to do that, go ahead." I say. If this helps him, then I won't stop him. He can do whatever he needs to keep him from killing someone.

Chilled gets on his laptop and starts doing his research into the house while Seamus and I think of more things we can do. Which isn't much with how little info we have, we can't even go to the cops about this yet.

"Maybe James knows something more." I say.

Seamus shakes his head, "He said he hasn't talked to anyone in the group since he was in jail." He says, "He didn't even look anyone up when he got out, he just, lived his life apparently."

"Who else would know something about Jordan then?" I ask.

"I don't know. Dan's unreachable, he's not even here this year." Seamus says, "Jordan wasn't close to anyone but Dan and apparently James."

"Shit." I mutter, "There goes that then. What are we going to do?"

"I don't know, but we'll figure something out." Seamus says, hugging me tight.

I let out a sigh and return the hug, jumping when I hear a knock on the door. I get up from Seamus' arms and go to answer it, my eyes widening when I see who it is.

"Hi Sly, can we talk?" He asks, looking skittish.

Why is he, how did he, why does he want to... "Aleks."

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