Chapter 15

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It's been two hours, and no word from Sly, hopefully he got what he wanted and got grabbed. If that's the case the tracker would be going off the chats from being in a car.

"Any movement?" I ask Seamus, who's curled up with the tracker close to him.

"No," He says quietly, "Chilled, what if he found the tracker? What if we never find him again?"

"Stop that." I say, "Listen to me, Sly didn't just get his nickname for nothing. He is a sly asshole that loves you very much. He would never put himself in danger if he didn't know he could get out of it."

"But what if he didn't know that Jordan's smarter than he looks?" Seamus asks, "Chilled I don't want to lose him!"

"You're not going to lose him!" I say, "We're going to find him, and Ze, and get them far, far away from here."

He nods, looking back at the device while I continue my research. It's quiet again, which makes me think more than I should be.

I wish Aleks didn't want to take a nap, because he and Kevin both left to go lay down in the spare bedroom while Seamus and I stayed in my room. I wanted to be around pictures of Ze and I, and Seamus didn't want to be alone.

"Oh my god." Seamus says.

"What?" I ask.

"The tracker it's, it's moving."

I move over to him and watch the tracker slowly move down a street. "Plug it in my laptop so we can goggle map him." I say, bringing my laptop over.

Seamus plugs the device into the usb port and I bring up google maps, zooming in on the blinking dot. It's moving pretty slowly so he's walking, or being dragged.

"He's on a main road." I say, "Why is he on a main road?"

"I, I don't know." Seamus says, shaking.

I continue to watch, seeing the dot take a sharp turn into an alley. "He's got him." I say, "He just took a quick turn, no way he did that on his own."

"Shush." Seamus says, still watching.

I watch too, seeing the dot continue to be moved, then it stops for a bit, before it starts moving again, fast. "He does have him." I say, "ALEKS! KEVIN!"

"What?!" Kevin yells.

"He has him!" Seamus yells, wiping the tears from his eyes, "He has my baby."

"Hey, it's okay, we'll get the cops involved once we have an address." I say, "We can go there, act like a neighbor, and call the cops on suspicious behavior or loud sounds or something. No one has to know that we're not concerned neighbors or that the house is sound proof."

Seamus nods his head, wiping his eyes still as Kevin and Aleks run in, "Where is the son of a bitch?" Kevin asks, looking like he's ready to kick ass.

"He' still driving." I say, "We have to wait until the tracker stops moving so fast, then all together."

"Why all together?" Seamus asks, "Why can't we go follow it now?"

"Because he might see us." I say, "Which is why I said, wait for it to stop moving fast, so it's like a walk, and then wait for it to stop, so that means he's inside. Then we go after it."

Seamus nods, curling up, "Please stop Jordan, stop so we can find your ass and get our boyfriends back."

"So now we just, wait?" Aleks asks.

I nod, "We wait, and then we'll go after him." I say.

"He better hurry up." Seamus whispers.

"Oh I'm sure he's going as fast as he legally can." Aleks mutters, clinging to Kevin. "Chilled, can I rest in your bed? I know Kevin doesn't want to miss out on the action, but I want to lay down.'

"Sure." I say, moving so he has space to lay down.

Aleks goes and crawls into bed, Kevin laying with him, holding him close. At least they still have each other, Aleks isn't going to be taken any time soon. Hell, Jordan probably doesn't even know Aleks and Kevin are here.

I just watch the dot move through streets of the city I used to think was safe, but not after this. After this, after we get them home, I'm moving Ze back to New York. I'm sure he'll love it there and we have a college somewhere for what he wants. I'm not leaving him so close to this tragedy, no way in hell.

Hurry Up and Save me - RoyalChaos: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now