Chapter 17

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This is it, we tracked down the house and found the exact place Sly's tracker's going off at. I have to control myself, the cops have to be called first, I can't barge in there and possibly get the cops called on me.

"Alright, I'm going to make the call." Kevin says, "Are we all good? No one's going to make a rash decision if and when they pull Jordan out of that house?"

"I'm, content." Seamus says quietly.

"No promises." I mutter.

"Alright then, I won't make this call until you're good." Kevin says, holding Aleks close. "I'm not going to have them get saved just so one of you goes to jail with him."

I nod, trying to calm down. If I see one mark on my baby, Jordan's dead. Kevin calls the police, the rest of us being quite while he reads off the address to the place that has the tracking decide in it.

"Yes I saw some suspicious behavior from our neighbors and they've been noisy as of late. Thank you." Kevin says, "They're on their way to check it out. If Jordan's in there, he'll be fucked."

"Good." I say, just watching and waiting. Please let Jordan be in there with my Ze. Please let him be safe.

The cops show up and go up to the door, knocking on it. I just watch, please let everyone be okay. The door opens and, Jordan, that son of a, he is in there. If the cops don't do anything, I'll do it myself.

The police start talking and trying to go in but Jordan seems to be, trying to keep them out. They eventually get into the house, and the door closes. Now, wait for them to come out.

"Do you think Jordan was trying to keep them out?" Aleks asks quietly.

"Most likely." Kevin whispers. "If you had two guys you used to work with tied up in your house, would you let the cops in?"

"Why would I take two people I used to work with and tie them up in my house?"  Aleks asks.

"Apparently Jordan thought it was a good idea." I mutter, my eyes glued to the door.

It's been an hour, why aren't the cops out of there yet?! Why can't they just arrest him already?! I know he has my Ze, and cops search everywhere. If Ze and Sly are in there, they should be yelling right now, unless, no, Jordan didn't do that, stop thinking like that.

Just when I'm about to go in there on my own, I see the door open again, Jordan being escorted out in handcuffs and, oh my god my baby!

I get out of the car and run across the street, scooping Ze up in my arms, making him scream at first. "No! Please put  me... Anthony!" Ze cries, hugging me time, "I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too, I will never leave you alone ever again." I say, giving him kisses all over his face.

"Seamus!" Sly yells, running into Seamus' arms. Seamus doesn't say anything, he just holds Sly close, like he's been gone as long as Ze has been.

"These boys are yours?" The police ask.

I nod, "My fiancé is safe again." I say, holding him close, "Please, take that asshole far, far away from us."

"We planned on it, come on Mathew." The police say.

"Son." Aleks says,

"Son?" The cop asks.

"Mathewson." Aleks says, "His name isn't Mathew, it's Jordan, Mathewson.  He's a scumbag douche who used to be our boss, but decided money was more important, and forced us to do things, and when we refused, he beat us."

"Is that true?" The cop asks, and they all nod, "Well we'll look through his file and see if we can get him put away for a long time."

"Thank you." I say, holding Ze close, "Thank you for saving him."

"It's our job sir." The other cop says, "Come on then, Mathewson."

Jordan glares at us while he's being pushed into a cop car. I just hold Ze close to me, Jordan's going away for a long, long time, and I'm moving Ze away from all of this. Everything's going to be okay.

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