Chapter 1

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It's been a few months. Chilled and I got our channels back up and running, as did Sly and Seamus. We've been doing couples games, like our version of Minecraft Marriage.

Chilled and I even recorded a skit for it, but it wasn't really a skit like I thought. He got a real engagement ring, and we really are engaged!

I couldn't be happier, we've been planning the wedding between recording sessions and conventions. We only go to conventions in California though, and so do Seamus and Sly.

We've been avoiding other people, and we hang out with our friends and stick together. I don't want to run into Aleks, Nick, Dan or James. Especially not James.

Jordan's still in jail, so I don't have to worry about him. But I don't want to talk to anyone else from that group. They caused me pain, and they didn't even help.

Sly and Seamus are the only ones I talk from that group. Because they know how I felt, and they wanted out, but they were scared. Now they're happy, together, and free to do what they want.

"So, what kind of wedding do you want?" Chilled asks, playing with my hair while we lied in bed.

I think a minute, "I don't know. I kind of want a fall wedding." I say, smiling at him.

"Then we can have a fall wedding," He smiles, "Indoors or out?"

"Both." I smile.

"Both?" He asks.

I nod, "Outside with tents in case if rains."

He smiles, "You're amazing, you know that?" He asks.

I nod, "I know, so are you." I say, giving him a soft kiss, "We should prepare for E3 tomorrow, it'll be a bit of a drive."

"Yea, and I'm tired." He says, "Do we have any more to pack?"

I shake my head, "Just laptops." I say, "Which won't be hard to do. We can get breakfast on the way, shower in the morning."

"Then let's sleep now." He says, "So I can be awake to drive."

I nod, turning the TV off and rolling over to turn my light off. Once its pitch dark, I feel someone grab me, and soon feel my back pressed up against another human being while their arms wrap about me.

"Don't do that," I say playfully, "You know I hate getting grabbed in the dark."

"I know, but if I would have grabbed you in the light, you wouldn't have been able to turn out the light." He says, his facial hair tickling the back of my neck.

I giggle slightly, "I guess, just get some sleep and stop scaring me." I say.

He chuckles, "Okay, I'll stop scaring you." He says, his lips kissing all over my face until they eventually find my lips in the dark. "Sleep well, I love you."

"I love you too." I say, settling down in his arms. "Night."

I ball my fists up in his shirt, my head resting on his chest. I love him so much, and I'm glad he saved me from all of that bullshit. Without Chilled, I wouldn't be here, and I wouldn't be having the amazing life I have now. I love him.

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